
Manky innards but smilin' still
Events Planner
Right....happy to announce that LZ11 will be held at Stanford Hall in Leicestershire- LE17 6DH on Friday 15th - Sunday 17th May :)

Green laning groups from 2pm on Saturday and 11am Sunday

Food is provided during the weekend -

BBQ on the Friday evening providing hotdogs £1.50, burgers and cheeseburgers £2 with limited vegetarian alternatives. All the meat will be coming from the same amazing butchers we used last year and anyone who came to LZ10 can attest to the quality

Saturday morning again the BBQ will be in action with bacon rolls on offer for £1

Saturday lunch BBQ with the same menu as Friday evening

Saturday Evening/ tea time - we will be having a homecooked chicken curry & rice or a vegetable chilli & rice with a pitta on offer catered by one of our LZ chefs for £3 a portion

Saturday - post drinking munchie time - BBQ will be briefly fired up

Sunday Morning - bacon rolls

The times of all the meals will be available at the site and clearly displayed - we intend to have defined/set times the BBQ will be lit in order to reduce the wasteage of the gas that took place last year when the thing was on almost permanantly !!

Prices will go up on here ( as soon as I get hold of the butcher to check this year's prices )

A urn will be on the go throughout the weekend and tea and coffee will be available - again costs when I have a moment

Last year we had fantastic donations of cakes of every flavour and variety you could believe and people bought.... A LOT !! - last year was for charity but I think this year we will use any funds raised to off set the costs of running the event - clearly anything raised in excess we will donate to charity. Any donations of cake will again be most gratefully received

Don't forget your dancing shoes because Saturday evening http://www.solarsoundroadshow.co.uk/ is gonna blow yer socks off

Link for tickets https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/landy-zone-11-2015-tickets-15682168789

Link for activities to do during the weekend http://www.heritage-motor-centre.co.uk/

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Aw :( too far for us I'm afraid

not at all- split the journey - stop in the lakes for a night and then drive down with Rob or share landies - or just come down on a bloody mega bus - all things are possible if you want to enough
not at all- split the journey - stop in the lakes for a night and then drive down with Rob or share landies - or just come down on a bloody mega bus - all things are possible if you want to enough
Nah its not the drive itself, that's fine. It's the cost of fuel and I'd be bringing the missus and the dogs so sharing or car pooling wouldn't really be an option. Would be looking at near enough 200 quid on fuel alone.
I'll be there with my 2 Biatches.. If they int driven me to murdering em by then :mad: :rolleyes:
Great, I'll just wait out now for you accountants to turn out some scary figures

we will confirm figures as we are able to but all I can say is last year the tickets were extremely reasonable and it made bringing the family very affordable for a whole weekend of fun :)
Nah its not the drive itself, that's fine. It's the cost of fuel and I'd be bringing the missus and the dogs so sharing or car pooling wouldn't really be an option. Would be looking at near enough 200 quid on fuel alone.

It's always going to be difficult for someone wherever it is, no avoiding that I'm afraid. I know it's easy for me to say because I live so much closer. It only cost 120 driving back and forth multiple times this year :eek::eek:
Nah its not the drive itself, that's fine. It's the cost of fuel and I'd be bringing the missus and the dogs so sharing or car pooling wouldn't really be an option. Would be looking at near enough 200 quid on fuel alone.

Get a tin, (we use one from £land), and save £2 coins and the odd fiver, money found in jeans checked before washing ...

It don't take long ... £8.50 a week up to 1st week of April ... over £200 :cool:
Can't believe Wolf int coming. I int ever gonna get me fecking roofrack clamps now :doh:

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