Thanks Jimmm65 - This looks like the answer, I will be buying one this weekend. I knew there had to be a solution given the amount of towing done with Defenders.
Sold the Defender after 6 months because I couldn't find a solution. Couldn't live without one so now have a new Puma engine 90 and the same issue. 3 years on, someone must have found a solution (See top of link for problem). Any further ideas please, keeping the car standard.
did alko not do a modified handle for the stabilisers?


supposed to solve it, which model of alko do you have?
i had the same problem last week away in my caravan

sat having a beer on site watching a new arrival towing a caravan arrive

ready for the watching

see the warden point them to a low pitch go in there

hilly site

and left them

bizy time saturday

they drove in tried to go up hill wheeels spinning got a littel way

un hooked caravan wife drove off

i walked over to offer help look up caravan going down hill i shout he puuls hand brake

offerd help backed up the 90

that alko wound not go on

not bacause of me swing away wheel carryer just to big to fit on me hitch

so tow rope pulled him out off the bush hed rolled into

chocked his caravan wheels watched the wardens pulling him off with littel buggy 4x4 thing while i finished me beer

i wanted one off the alko stabaliszer things on my pikey wagon aswell

wont bother now
Maybe i missed the jist of this, but i have a 90 alco lever for locking on,all i do is open my back door and can mount & dismount the van, no problem
sorry got no photos of either but i can get them, if i amreading this right you cant get the alco lock up or down because the spare gets in the way.
my adjustable tow bar is in the lowest position poss & all i do is open the back door and i can lock on or off & just drop the jockey wheel down out of the way.
Maybe your spare is larger than the one i have, but icant see how this would stop you operating your alco lever
I tow using my defender with rear wheel carrier using a winterhoff stabiliser (does exactly same job), the handle doesnt come up as far as the Alko so plenty of clearance. I know it would mean purchasing a replacement but i'm sure you could sell the alko. I also have the towball mounted on a shocklink.

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