
New Member
Need a new door top 4 the SII, famous4 have an ali top for 40 quid, my local chap sells the standars for 20ish, any1 any comments on the ali tops, r they worth the extra dosh ? and r the famous4 1ns ok ? my local chap said 40quid was cheap for ali
Go for the ali one's at that price, rockey mountain do a one where both windows slide but i dont know how mutch they are!
Sometimes I have NO idea what your guys are talking about. I'd say you should speak English, but I KNOW that will open a ton of flaming, and I have to say, I love you guys!

Anyway, I think I saw Rocky Mountain at about $250 plus $50 bucks (see, two can play that game!) carriage to the East Coast here in America

Now, how much is a quid?
A quid? What one knicker? A good round pound. Think that's bad, what would happen if someone wanted to pay you a score, a pony, a monkey, a nifty, a wunner (same as a ton) or a bag?

You'd be reet fecked then!
I love Mark Twain's observation (paraphrased): "The English and the American's are good friends separated by a common language."
So, you can say twenny five quid, twenny five knicker, twenny five sov's or even 'a pony' if the mood so takes you.
Then you've yer more nefarious measurements in fractions: A blim, an 'enry, a Louis, a Vicar (vicar's Daughter) & if yer feeling flush there's the 'nine bar'
Sometimes I have NO idea what your guys are talking about. I'd say you should speak English, but I KNOW that will open a ton of flaming, and I have to say, I love you guys!

Anyway, I think I saw Rocky Mountain at about $250 plus $50 bucks (see, two can play that game!) carriage to the East Coast here in America

Now, how much is a quid?

shirley" $50 bucks" is one of them things with the strange name like a misnomer or summit.

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