Rusty Spanner

Active Member
Can anyone recommend a decent alarm/ immobiliser for a 200tdi 90
I want to try keep hold of my new purchase

already ordered a pedal lock and fitted a battery isolator

Was also thinking of rigging up a key switch and some relays to knock off the back lights and indicators leaving the head lights and dash lights lit, Just in case it does go missing said scrotes wont know the rear lights are out improving the chance of mr plod pulling it if seen .... Is it worth it ?

Think a diskloc is likely to be added as well :)
Cheers done a bit of googling and Toad seems to be good kit, will take a look at the AI606 ..... Not particularly posh though so I'll give the central locking a miss :)
Get skytag,

If thieving bugger wants your landy he will, they just arent that hard to get in and get going,

Physical obstacles will slow them down, but Skytag will actually find the vehicle and hopefully the buggers who stole it !
An alarm/immobiliser on an older defender is easy to bypass. You would be better off fitting mechanical defences or a tracker. If you want to use electronic measures then an immobiliser linking into an additional in line fuel solenoid is your best bet.
Do you guys get Viper alarms in the UK? They are one of the best with tons of features, good quality and reasonably priced.
sigma s30 from scorpion. About 130 quid(from ebay) Cat 1 thatcham approved, top piece of kit! If you decide to get one PM me when you get.

Just fitted skytag and i have to say i am very impressed as i do this stuff for a living on a larger scale they were really good and the kit is dead easy to install. 104 quid from paddock as apose to 240 direct from skytag.

Ordered the Toad AI606, a shire fabrication pedal lock and a disklok If sky tag is £104 quid from paddocks I'll get that too . Security is costing more than the fecking car but I want to try keep it. Had a 300tdi 90 stolen a couple of years back don't want it to happen again. Keeping my fingers crossed and one eye open till it all arrives , seriously cant sleep :confused:
Ordered the Toad AI606, a shire fabrication pedal lock ...

Won't go wrong with a toad. Fitted 3 now to previous cars and no faults whatsoever. Loads of extra remote outputs etc which if you're feeling flash can do all sorts of things such as remote worklights, deadbolts etc...
Fitted the Clifford 650 to my 200, got duel zone proximity on it so anyone gets close to it on my drive it squaukes and wakes me up, has a disclock too.
I'd rather have something on it than nothing and most stolen are without security or just factory stuff which is useless.
Forgot to mention the paddock price is plus vat, all cat 1 alarms meet the same standards and there really isnt much in it apart from price but i would however have a serious think about how you are going to fit this.

Dont use crimps, solder and heat shrink all connections where possible, use ring terminals for earths, spread out the wiring and hide as much as you can deep inside the vehicle


Is it best to have the sounder inside the vehicle or in the engine bay, and to take the main power supply direct from the battery ?
I would fit the sounder under the bonnet, on the bulkhead. It will probably have a battery back up inside so it wont matter if its disconnected it will sound if its armed. You just have to put it somewhere its hard to get to.

I would also get a pin switch on the bonnet and rear door too, if you haven't already thought of that.

Cat 1 have more than one earth, have more than one live/switched live and more than one immobilise circuits so i would get your mitts on the wiring diagrams for your vehicle as you will have to tap into a number of different circuits.

Make sure you get your alarm supplier to supply you a wiring diagram, they don't always come shipped with the kit for security reasons.

I would be interested as to find out why the "factory stuff" is though to be crap

The one i recommended is fitted by mitsubishi as standard

Started the wiring today
Hell of a lot more to it than I thought, hardest job is trying to conceal everything, be worth it in the end though, pin switch under bonnet , but wasn't going to do the back door as I thought the ultrasonic would take care of that ...... Would you still fit a pin switch ?...... Have ordered the sky tag Should be fitting that early next week
The wife thinks I'm crazy :confused: think I may of over done it with the armed guard on the gate though :crazy:

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