Northern Irelander

Well-Known Member
Was woken by the alarm on the FL going off, in the middle of the night.

I plipped the fob and re-armed the FL only to be woken again half an hour later, neighbours up anorl!

Locked the door with the key.

Pretty sure it wasn't tampered with and nobody was near the motor.

All windows were up not that it matters 3dr, no wind, no rain.

The aerial was undone as I was working on the roofrack.

I had noticed some bats around, was thinking their ultrasonics might have triggered the alarm. Next day noticed some mosquitos in the cabin?

First time the alarm has gone off like that in 9 years of ownership.........weird!
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Was woken by the alarm on the FL going off, in the middle of the night.

I plipped the fob and re-armed the FL only to be woken again half an hour later, neighbours up anorl!

Locked the door with the key.

Pretty sure it wasn't tampered with and nobody was near the motor.

All windows were up not that it matters 3dr, no wind, no rain.

The aerial was undone as I was working on the roofrack.

I had noticed some bats around, was thinking their ultrasonics might have triggered the alarm. Next day noticed some mosquitos in the cabin?

First time the alarm has gone off like that in 9 years of ownership.........weird!
spray some mossie repellant inside the fecker....:D ;)
I had noticed some bats around, was thinking their ultrasonics might have triggered the alarm. Next day noticed some mosquitos in the cabin?

Ultrasonic sensitivity tends to drift with age and temperature. Having spent a decade or so fitting alarms in the past, invariably, we'd see more issues of this nature around this time of year and also in spring, when the overnight temperature change is at its highest. Basically, the sensors start detecting the shift in air pressure caused by the temperature change.

I'm not sure whether it's an LR OEM system you've got and, if so, whether it's adjustable or self-calibrating ultrasonics, but if it's the former, it probably just needs the slightest tweak down on the adjuster. If a firm (but not too firm!) thump on the window with your fist triggers the sonics, they're probably too high.
...and just to add, be careful that it is definitely a false trigger. I've known cases in the past where thieves have deliberately set the alarm off over and over again until the owner turns the system off, leaving them to steal the car uninterrupted.

If it is the sonics, a piece of tape over one temporarily should stop the false alarming (one's a tx, one rx), allowing you to confirm whether or not they're the cause.
Cheers all,

Deffo untouched, I have security sensors and lighting that go off and also audible sensors, plus house alarm, it's also locked behind a sturdy gate, an unlikely target.

Still, having said that, around half a dozen cars stolen from this area, just last night a civic type R went hurtling past, there goes another one. Car owners make it all too easy for the thieving toe rags.

I can't remember if I saw the unit up behind the centre console when I had the dash out years ago, its the LR OEM.

I always thought the FL alarm was fairly robust, never gave me any trouble. I have set off the alarm by accidentally arming it from the inside, if I open the door the alarm sounds.
When I heard the 'horn' sounding the other night, it took me a few seconds to realise, here hang on,
that's my alarm :eek:

Had Clifford G4 alarms in other vehicles, they are a nightmare, slightest bit of brake squeal and Piezzo sensor goes off on one.
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If this advice does not work, you will need to perform the Rite of Exorcism. This is often practiced by some dealerships when faced with seemingly supernatural phenomena otherwise known as 'breakdowns'. The methods employed are usually the same but not necessarily performed in any specific order, you could intergrate some of the moves into your own ritual.

Walk around the car a number of times either clockwise or anti-clock wise mumbling specific explicits, followed by opening the front door and pulling the hood/bonnet latch; pressing all interior buttons and toggle switches sometimes helps. Open the hood/bonnet and peer into the enginebay at the motor with hatred burning in your eyes, followed by more chanting of explicits. Jiggle all unknown wires (more explicits),and twist off the washer bowl, power steering, and radiator overflow reservoir caps and peer inside (more explicits). Kick tires, slam doors and fiddle with the transfer knob, as I do. If the car starts after all this has been done, then the exorcism has been a success. If not, then it can't be possessed, but has some other electrical problem.
Mine has done this a few times 3 or 4 ? about this time of year as well ! I lock it with just the key over night now and no problems so far .

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