

Ive done a search but cant find alot of info.

Ive got some decent physical security on my 90 (disklok, getting pedalbox fitted soon) but I wouldnt mind an alarm even if it only goes off for 10-20 secs or so to alert me if anyone messes with my landy when im asleep.

While I understand physical security is best, unless I know some pikey is messing with it they could spend aslong as they want trying to get devices of

Anyone suggest a brand or company? anything I need to look out for etc
I'm in a similar situation with my new landy. Got a pedal box but having a toad Cat1 alarm and immobiliser fitted next week. Also thinking about a fuel cut off but you start to get to the stage where you are inconveniencing yourself!
I agree, you spend so much time alarming and protecting them, the only problem is its just another thing to added to go wrong with the vehicle.
I would just go for a top of the range alarm/immobiliser, its the best you can do, if the pikeys want something they just take it unfortunately.
i got a good cat1 alarm and immobilizer fitted to mine about 5 years ago( the one the auto spark recommended) Its a noisey bugger and cuts of the feeds to the fuel solenoid and the the starter for the immobilizer part.

Yeah we all know there easy to hot wire , but you have to get to my alarm sounder to shut the fecker up and its hidden , easyish to find but hard to get at and with the bonnet up its even louder add in flashing lights and interior lights. Its not worth them bothering with, why not go a few streets around the corner and nick the one that doesn't have a noisey alarm less chance of being caught

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