
Well-Known Member
I have just put my 1999 DSE range rover back on the road after a 12 month lay up.It has a brand new battery 1000cca 130amphrs an it started fist time and runs well.
after about 20 mile i was sitting in the car with engine idling and the alarm started sounding and the engine was still running turned off engine and alarm still sounding tried stopping it with key fob no luck but the engine would still start and run. Disconnected battery and alarm stopped but when reconnected alarm started again so in the end i pulled the plug on the noise making box and that stopped the alarm and i could drive it again.
I have a nanacom and connected it up and is shows no faults I will investigate further today but if anyone has any suggestions they would be welcome.Have done a forum search on here but the only thing similar is that bonnet open fault shows up on message center on cars with similar symptoms but does not show up on mine .
Not sure but I think some of the sounders have an internal battery that will power the sounder if the main battery is interfered with, it may be that the internal battery has failed after being unpowered for so long?
There are two types of sounder Klaxon and BBUS. Make sure the correct one is selected in alarm settings. With Nanocom this is easy. That may or may not sort your problem.
We went to do a repair on a Becm a few weeks ago, disconected the battery then when the Job was done we re connected the battery and the alarm sounded three times before it decided all was ok. After that it never sounded again. its just letting you know the battery had been removed and classed it as a "tamper" no warning signs were on the display and none after. " it was set to Klaxson on the Becm readout"
I will try with the nanacom again but i have just reconnected the sounder and it was ok for about 10 seconds then went off.but the strange thing is it was about 2 hrs after i started it for the first time that it decided to go off.The car will still start and run .
We went to do a repair on a Becm a few weeks ago, disconected the battery then when the Job was done we re connected the battery and the alarm sounded three times before it decided all was ok. After that it never sounded again. its just letting you know the battery had been removed and classed it as a "tamper" no warning signs were on the display and none after. " it was set to Klaxson on the Becm readout"

If it's fitted with BBUS you switch the ignition on and off then disconnect batterry within 17 seconds. Or the bloody thing will go off for 4.5 minutes. Then as you reconnect it will go off again but you can stop it by pressing fob.
If it's fitted with BBUS you switch the ignition on and off then disconnect batterry within 17 seconds. Or the bloody thing will go off for 4.5 minutes. Then as you reconnect it will go off again but you can stop it by pressing fob.

Don't do that if you have satnav though..
If it's fitted with BBUS you switch the ignition on and off then disconnect batterry within 17 seconds. Or the bloody thing will go off for 4.5 minutes. Then as you reconnect it will go off again but you can stop it by pressing fob.
It set as Klacston an
d when i reconect the sounder it goes off all the time.The first time it happened it went off about 5 times before i disconnected the battery and could not be stopped with key fob.
I will investigate further and see if i can find the fault.
Does the faultmate have anymore setting for the alarm than the nanocom?
Today im getting some new tyres ive got Michelin latitude cross and will let you all know what i thnk of them after a few miles. Hope they last longer than the pirellis str that i got new.
I had a similar issue with the alarm on the Cherokee. Turned fault was internal to the klaxon. New one sorted the problem.
It set as Klacston an
d when i reconect the sounder it goes off all the time.The first time it happened it went off about 5 times before i disconnected the battery and could not be stopped with key fob.
I will investigate further and see if i can find the fault.
Does the faultmate have anymore setting for the alarm than the nanocom?
Today im getting some new tyres ive got Michelin latitude cross and will let you all know what i thnk of them after a few miles. Hope they last longer than the pirellis str that i got new.

Yeah but is it fitted with a Klaxon. Or is it fitted with a BBUS? You have not made that clear yet. Klaxon has a two wire plug, BBUS has a four wire plug. If it's fitted with BBUS and set to Klaxon that maybe your problem. Can't think why Faultmate would have any alarm function not on Nanocom. Mine has BBUS and it was disconnected, possibly because someone had not connected bonnet switch because catch was not closing properly. After reconnecting bonnet switch and connecting BBUS it went off and could not be stopped until it stopped by it self. Looked at alarm settings and it was set to Klaxon, changed it to BBUS and wrote that to memory and it now works as it should. When you open bonnet do you get "Bonnet open" message if not, take a look at switch on O/S catch.
hi, might not be much help but mine did this, the car had sat for a few years, I had it serviced and started using it, on a day i did a alot of short trips the alarm started chipring when i started it, a few days later it started to sound properly when the engine was started. I drove home (in a temper) with it going off and it fadded off after 5 mins of driving. Spoke to the local landy independant and also asked on here, Apparently some have a batterey back up against tampering and if it doesnt recharge it sets the alarm off. It started doing it all the time and was getting embarrassing so I ran mine for a week on long trips and not locking the car when i left it it apperars to have recharged whatever battery it needed to as it doesnt do it anymore (at the moment!!) (The garage said to unplug the wire from the sounder which should be on the drivers side wheel arch, i couldnt see it but its def there given the noise it made!)
Yeah but is it fitted with a Klaxon. Or is it fitted with a BBUS? You have not made that clear yet. Klaxon has a two wire plug, BBUS has a four wire plug. If it's fitted with BBUS and set to Klaxon that maybe your problem. Can't think why Faultmate would have any alarm function not on Nanocom. Mine has BBUS and it was disconnected, possibly because someone had not connected bonnet switch because catch was not closing properly. After reconnecting bonnet switch and connecting BBUS it went off and could not be stopped until it stopped by it self. Looked at alarm settings and it was set to Klaxon, changed it to BBUS and wrote that to memory and it now works as it should. When you open bonnet do you get "Bonnet open" message if not, take a look at switch on O/S catch.

Looks like you hit the nail on the head again wammers i set it to bbs and it hasn't gone off yet so its probably waiting for about 3 am.
Still a mystery how it managed to change the setting while idling but then that's the joys of owning a P38 if they didn't have their own little quirks it wouldn't be from the Land Rover family
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us and i think its people like you that make this such a helpful site.

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