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Had the P38 end of September and almost immedialely had alarm issues, lighting all indicators overnight, killing battery, eventually burning out both front door C/Lmotors. (Blue aerial wire disconnected from RF unit)
Garage had it back several times, replaced both motors and replaced drivers door mechanism - coded to car, took two weeks!
Having been reunited for about the fifth time, it went again, burning out C/L motors again, and Garage diagnosed BECM at fault.
After much to-and fro-ing, and being let down by their source, I got through to Irishrover; he got hold of a unit, checked it over, came down and fitted/coded it.........all in a couple of days!!!
Garage now happy BECM sorted thus ordered a new pair of motors.

I should add at this point, that we had been using the Range since a week before Christmas, until this week, albeit having to lock/unlock manually with C/L motors nakad, but with NO alarm issues at all

The new C/L motors were fitted Tuesday, then that night, no, 4am Wednesday morning, the damn thing lights all indicators again ffs!!!
Unlocked/locked it then ok rest of the night. Used it yesterday, parked on drive for the night and , yep sure as eggs is eggs fekin thing goes hell-mad at 02.15 today. Unlocked/locked, then all hell loose again 02.30.
Went out this time, opened, and started it, NO Alarm Triggered message!!!!!!!

Spoke with Eightinavee and Irish this afternoon; both concur 99% odds-on that the RF unit is shot, waking or partially waking BECM, and having caused all the problems encountered to date.
Car back at Garage as of an hour ago, their techy not so convinced, reckoning wiring/corroded/poor connection somewhere........yeah right, don't wanna spend £161.79 + vat on new RF unit!!!!
My betting is that they spend a day or two cheking all wiring etc, I get it back and it fecks up again, THEN they spend on new RF...........we shall see!!
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Mine has been behaving just like this the last time it went off was about 2 30 in the morning now I think it was due to a leak in the airlines for the rear bags where the line enters the valve block because it was losing height it was waking up relevelling etc and draining the battery and I am sure the alarm was triggered by the voltage drop I put new ends on the lines so no leaks recharged the battery and no problems since ( the c/l is still useless but will get round to that next week)
Garage owner is very reluctant to accept RF unit is foo-bah'd, despite my having had the same advise fro eightinavee, irishrover, and LR techy; I've explained everything to the garage in detail, which is all proven by the fact that we had no alarm issues for weeks whilst door motors were knackered, then the very day the RF has new motors to "talk" to, the alarm issue retuns.....and again the following day too!

I even tried to explain that the fact it's already burnt out two sets of motors is proof enough that RF is throwing signal on partial wake-up, constantly telling it to open/close simply over-loading them and they then burn out.

I am sure they are holding out, not wanting to outlay any more on parts; ....... as well as taking out the BECM, and they having replaced driver's door handle, two sets of C/L motors, that RF unit has caused masses of inconvenience, a lot of cost(to them thank fcuk), and all could have been prevented had it had a proper diagnostic to begin with!

Their techy is apparently unplugging the motors and "running some tests" today and "wiring a test lamp", they then want me to have it back for a couple of weeks, with no C/L on fronts to check ......done that over last 3-4 weeks already FGS!!!

If I could afford it I'd just buy the RF myself and put it in, but as I can't afford that at the mo, and they have a duty under warranty to sort it, then I'm going to have to tow their line, wait another fortnight, then hopefully they will finally do it!!

we'll see.........
Mine has been behaving just like this the last time it went off was about 2 30 in the morning now I think it was due to a leak in the airlines for the rear bags where the line enters the valve block because it was losing height it was waking up relevelling etc and draining the battery and I am sure the alarm was triggered by the voltage drop I put new ends on the lines so no leaks recharged the battery and no problems since ( the c/l is still useless but will get round to that next week)

Glad you appear sorted Sandy, but doubt relevelling caused it; with it not running, relevelling is simply lowering which ever high point to that of lower, just a pressure release.
It gets worse........picked the Range back up tonite; techy has wired a bypass switch to RF unit, toggle switch on floor in front of drivers seat, two wires and white bulb sitting where drivers door tweeter spaeker usually lives.
Old (shot!) motor back in drivers door, new one unplugged in ft passenger door (so new ones don't burn out).
All switches in drivers door disconnected, even interior light.

Asked to park as usual tonite,, flick switch to diasble RF unit, alarm shouldn't go off if it was RF unit at fault. I said no, i'll leave it on tonite, alarm will then prolly get triggered as has been with RF and blue aerial wire conneccted. Assuming it does go off, flick switch off rest of nite and tomorrow/sunday nite, it should then not get triggered.

All good in theory, but there's problems with their wonderful effin idea;
1. I don't think it will go off. With "faulty" RF connected last few days and new C/L motors to "talk" to it was setting off. Now they have disconnected all switches in drivers door there's nowt to "talk" to so won't go off.
2. I cannot lock/unlock tailgate as it's done so via drivers door, so all I can do is reverse to the wall and leave it like an ornament all fekin weekend..........

Wot a bunch of amateurs ffs!!
It gets worse........picked the Range back up tonite; techy has wired a bypass switch to RF unit, toggle switch on floor in front of drivers seat, two wires and white bulb sitting where drivers door tweeter spaeker usually lives.
Old (shot!) motor back in drivers door, new one unplugged in ft passenger door (so new ones don't burn out).
All switches in drivers door disconnected, even interior light.

Asked to park as usual tonite,, flick switch to diasble RF unit, alarm shouldn't go off if it was RF unit at fault. I said no, i'll leave it on tonite, alarm will then prolly get triggered as has been with RF and blue aerial wire conneccted. Assuming it does go off, flick switch off rest of nite and tomorrow/sunday nite, it should then not get triggered.

All good in theory, but there's problems with their wonderful effin idea;
1. I don't think it will go off. With "faulty" RF connected last few days and new C/L motors to "talk" to it was setting off. Now they have disconnected all switches in drivers door there's nowt to "talk" to so won't go off.
2. I cannot lock/unlock tailgate as it's done so via drivers door, so all I can do is reverse to the wall and leave it like an ornament all fekin weekend..........

Wot a bunch of amateurs ffs!!

I think you are on the right track, what sort outfit wastes all those hours to avoid fitting a new RF unit that they can probably get for £100 trade?:confused:
Exactly Keith; if they had diagnostics done firstly, and knew anything about P38's there would not have been half the hassle (or cost that they have incurred)

The garage has a very good reputation locally, but are specialists in older vehicles........they had a Humber Scepter in bits when Irish came down to sort the BECM, and today a 1960's MG!!

The RR was on sale there, previously owned by the garage owner himself, sold to a customer, then taken back in px on an 05 sport.....hence I got it.

Thankfully I got it at the the right price, and warranty being their own, not the usual Insurance ****e...........just need this sorting and (hopefully) got a well sorted motor!
Well sounds like it will be a tiring process small consolation is that they are at least dong something but I agree how much is that costing them when as Keith says for 100 quid even if it wasnt the answer it would eliminate that side keep me posted next time ask them to try it out and give you a replacement vehicle might be worth a try
Well that's ****ed me right off!!:mad:

Checked it three times during the nite; no indicators on / flashing, tehy's test bulb not on, no sound.
Get up at 07.30 and the C/L motors in rear doors are pulsing, drdrdrdr for two secs, off 2 secs, fob won't switch them off / deactivate alarm, opened with key ok.

Key in ign, very feint display, Key Code Lockout then display dies....battery falt as a withches tits ffs!!

Disconnected battery to stop C/L motors cycling, battery on charge. Got home 20mins ago, had a calming sandwich and strong coffee.....out to the cold then, see if I can get it sorted with EKA.

I'll be throwing the switch then, bypassing RF to stop any more ****e, back to the garage Monday........New RF unit, NOW!!!!
Battery good, but Key Code Lock out message.

Cannot clear it; fob's have lost sync with RF, EKA key code cannot be input cos techy disconnect all wiring in drivers door!!!!

Left with a pile of scrap sat on the driveway til monday - techy will have to come here, reconnecct everything and get the damn RF!!!!
:behindsofa: Who sad "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" ?:doh::doh::doh:

It's easy to unpug everythng that is linked to the problem, bit like hitting the reset button on a computer because you have picked up a virus, hoping everything will disappear and all problems will be solved.

All the labour spent on this motor under warranty would have more than paid for £160 worth of parts.
In the meantime, you have a car sitting on the drive which is about as much use a chocolate teapot.

No doubt the temperature in Weston Super Mare wll rise dramatically on Monday morning, all the Brummies will be flocking down there to get a suntan !!!

They should stick to working on family owned classic (Non electronic) motors.
It only got to 1c all day today.............but the air temperature hit boiling point on my drive this afternoon.......roll-on Monday morning :mad2::mad2::mad2:
Also make sure they extend the warranty to cover all the time you have not been able to use the vehicle properly mmm my reckoning that will be all the time you have had it :):) and it will serve them right for not listening not as if you didnt tell them
Damn good point Sandy; i reckon realistically, it's spent at least 1/4 of the time i've owned it back in their possesion for one thing or another (ALL down to RF which they never diagnosed!)
Hmmmmmm.....wonder if I can get rear bags done...........nah........they'll prolly say "consumable parts" so not covered. I could then argue it's hardly been used/usable since day one cos of other fek-ups?? ;)
Damn good point Sandy; i reckon realistically, it's spent at least 1/4 of the time i've owned it back in their possesion for one thing or another (ALL down to RF which they never diagnosed!)
Hmmmmmm.....wonder if I can get rear bags done...........nah........they'll prolly say "consumable parts" so not covered. I could then argue it's hardly been used/usable since day one cos of other fek-ups?? ;)

They ought to do the airbags as a gesture of goodwill for all the inconvenience

Shame that gesture of goodwill and motor dealer are mutually incompatable concepts:rolleyes::rolleyes:
How very true Keith.....won't hurt to try though!

Had no choice over the week-end but to lock it up, battery disconnected and on charge to stop alarm constantly sounding!

God help the tw@t when I get's down there 1st thing tomorrow!
Went down in wifey's Freelander 1st thing - despite all the ****e I still had to argue the case; techy agreed instantly that he has to come out this morning, re-wire drivers door switches, sort fobs and eka, but still not "happy" that it fooked up on just one night.....wanted me to use it for a week with RF still bypassed via his switch, then a second week with RF left on.
Needless to say I chose my words carefully, but unmistakably to the polite version of "go fek ur sen with a big stick"!!!!

He's due out at 11am to sort eka/fobs, leaving me a courtesy motor. Taking RR back, RF unit being ordered today, I get it back next day or two fitted and working.
Had a similar fault with a ford galaxy, alarm going off at random, Eventually found a spider in the passenger door pillar setting off the ultrasonics when he went about his travels...took weeks to sort and not very happy neigbours either I can say...

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