len p

New Member
My alarm has started going off for no apparent reason. Might go off after 5 hrs, or might be 20 hrs. Any ideas please.
Low battery, moisture in cabin affecting volumetric sensors, spider in cabin scuttling down and setting it off, fault in wiring.


Try locking the doors with the key

Insert the key and turn the door lock towards
the rear of the vehicle. Turning the key ONCE
activates the following:
•all doors locked (not superlocked)
•perimetric alarm activated (protects the
doors, bonnet and taildoor)
NOTE: Interior space protection* is not
Turning the key TWICE within 1 second
activates, in addition to the above:
If the doors lock correctly, the direction
indicators flash three times to confirm that the
vehicle is secure and the anti-theft alarm
indicator light (in the instrument panel) will
start to flash rapidly.

This will not activate the interior sensors, so if the alarm doesn't go off - that's where your problem is.
this has come up a number of times on this forum, and the most common cause is a failing main battery, although the other possibilities are just that. Might be worth having your battery checked, or check it yourself if you own a discharge tester.
A multimeter set to voltage is not sufficient to test a battery, it only indicates the voltage present, not its ability to deliver a current. Therefore a discharge tester must be used.
Co-incidentally, has this only started since the cold weather came ?
Yep, I still have this problem but nothing I've tried worked. I've even created a Thread sometime ago and none of the solutions worked.
So I'm just locking my Freelander by locking the driver door lock. Besides, does anyone know where the volumetic sensor located - I can't find it! Is it because Freelanders with hardback cover simply does not have a volumetic sensor?
Take it you've never disconnected the sensor if you don't know where it is.

Volumetric Sensing
The volumetric sensor is located in a central position on the roof panel, behind the headlining. The volumetric sensor is a microwave sensor which monitors movement inside the vehicle to detect any possible intrusion. The vehicle can be armed with the volumetric sensor disabled to avoid accidental triggering of the alarm if a pet is in the vehicle for instance. The volumetric sensor is also inoperative if the CCU senses that a panel has been left open, with the exception of the bonnet.

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