
New Member

About 3 weeks ago my alarm started playing up. It wouldn't unlock and turn off the immobiliser.

I seem to be able to lock the car (with the handset) 99% of the time.

Its the unlocking that is the problem.

Its been getting progressively worse.

I have developed a trick to get in, which in itself makes no sense. If I unlock the car with the key climb and leave the door open. switch the ingnition on (light on dash goes red) then hit "lock" on the handset the immobiliser switches off! Explain that!!!! That works 80% of the time.

On the odd occasion when this doesn't work. I just have to wait (5 mins, 10mins, 15mins) Then I can unlock the car as normal! If I then lock the car staright afterwards I very often can't open it again. (I have learnt to stop doing this!)

As you can imagine I have been caught in many embarassing situations. holding up petrol stations, kids late for school etc.

Any advice would be helpful.

V reg (2000) Softback.

Yes I put new batteries in the handset. No change.

I have tried one of my old run down batteries this afternoon. Interesting effect - it seems to have cured the problem, however I now get the beeping when entering the vehicle.

I will try the run down battery for a few days - keep you posted.

How about removing the low handset batteries (hence beeping on entry), holding down or pressing the buttons with batt removed and then fitting new cells and rapidly pressing the unlock button 5 times in quick succession to resynchronise.

Have done the above to many freelanders (same as what dealer would do) and this has solved my colleagues entry woes!!

Hope it works matey,


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