
Active Member
Thanks to Durham 4x4 I now have my, new to me, P38 DSE back on the road. It now has a replacement BECM, locks and came with 2 good keys/fobs instead of the one knackered one that came with the car.

I have a question though on the Alarm light on the dashboard.

The manual says it flashes for 10 seconds when it is first armed then slows down it flashes to show it is armed.

My question is, can anyone tell me what the interval is between the flashes in this normal set state, as it being a new car to me I am a bit concerned that is it flashing too quick or not for some reason?

If that is all you can fault with your Rangie - you have a good one....

From memory, I should think the delay is 2-3 seonds, maybe a kind P38 owner with not much to do today could time it for you....

I personally wouldn't be concerned about it, if it is blinking rapidly and when you open the door you get a bong and a message on the display to say the alarm was triggered - be concerned.....but don't frett over a flashing red light...:D
Every 2-3 seconds is what it seems to be doing, thanks for putting my mind at rest with that Saint.

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