
New Member

I've noticed twice today so far after being parked up for a while a patch of dampness under the engine area - about the size of a dinner plate, clear and odourless - normally I'd put it down to using the aircon but I haven't used the aircon for 24 hours at least.

I've had a look under the bonnet and there are no obvious leaks however all the aircon pipes are covered in condensation - source of the damp patch - but is this normal as I've not noticed it before?

Aircon appears to be working normally (so far...) so any ideas please fellas?


(2005 Td4 auto)
if all the aircon pipes are covered in condense, then I would imagine the aircon is stuck on somehow. You could try removing the fuse from the aircon circuit, or disconnecting power to the condensor to see if that is indeed the case.
Turning your air circulation to window screen turns on the aircon even if the aircon is not turned on. So have you kept the switch on window dentist recently?.

Td4 2005 face lift model.
Water drips from the air-con all the time - it's only noticeable when you stop usually, and a pool forms under the car is obvious. It's a fact of life with any A/C.

The pipes will have condensation if it's a humid day and the air-con is on.

As freelandie says it may be on without you having selected it - as in selecting demist. If you've left it on demist setting then the A/C runs all the time even if you have heat selected at the same time - to dry the air inside the car - hence the drips underneath. It's the quickest and most efficient way to clear the windows, especially if you have also selected re-circ.

You say all the pipes have condensation - that is surely not correct - only the cold / feed pipe from the compressor to the interior should / could have condensation - the other hot / return pipe will not attract condensation.

To improve the efficiency of my system I have insulated the entire length of the cold pipe to avoid it taking on underbonnet temperature and radiated heat from the return pipe as the two of them are very close. This stops condensation on the pipe. Not important in the UK, but needed on trips to South of France, Italy, Greece, etc.

If your A/C is blowing cold air - there is nothing to worry about.

Singvogel. :cool:
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mine has no condensation whatsoever...............having said that it hasn't any gas in it either :(
eeerm it will not work then the common problem that lets the gas out is wher the pipes go through the bulk head there are 2 small seals one on each pipe and the bolt seams to come undone if it has replace seals and put a bit of locknut on the bolt
eeerm it will not work then the common problem that lets the gas out is wher the pipes go through the bulk head there are 2 small seals one on each pipe and the bolt seams to come undone if it has replace seals and put a bit of locknut on the bolt

there is a long(ish) list of stuff to do afore I tackle the AC, tiz but a minor inconvenience ;)
You say all the pipes have condensation - that is surely not correct - only the cold / feed pipe from the compressor to the interior should / could have condensation - the other hot / return pipe will not attract condensation.

Singvogel. :cool:

Quite right Singvogel, as you say just the cold/feed pipe, it was me getting carried away ;)

"Turning your air circulation to window screen turns on the aircon even if the aircon is not turned on. So have you kept the switch on window dentist recently?"

Correct again Freelandie71, the distribution knob was indeed set for the windscreen, something I've always done with all my cars by default to be honest, never knew it activated the aircon automatically - not keen on that piece of design. :rolleyes:

Anyway I turned the distribution control to fascia vent and went for a drive and all was well again, no condensate and no drips. :D

Thanks everyone for your input.

Now my air con pipes are been unblocked I get a little pool underneath if it's been switched on. That's normal. Whereas before it was p*ssing into my footwell. Now it's humid weather 'tis the time for blocked pipes and drips underneath :D
Gunna do a write up on re gassing air con wen Porky gives me ma camera back , just did mine this year as it was low on gas , easy to do just need to know the basic rules . . . . . . .but then i am a rockit injunear :) :) :)

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