I was trying to keep this simple by offering the idea that peeps could help themselves to test their own air con if it’s not working or struggling, from a common datum. Measuring their AC from a cold start gives a comparative reference. Slow to cool systems would therefore suggest they have a fault which could be a number of factors. The air con condenser also needs to be able to dissipate heat for the system to work, with running/working fans. If the engine is cold, therefore the coolant radiator is cold thus not heating the adjacent air con condenser by convection, and the air con condenser is cold, then you have a chance of finding a fault yourself until it all warms up. Once the air con compressor starts running the air con condenser will start to get warm. If the fans aren’t working then a cold condenser (during a cold start) is the ideal situation to start off with. This would be helpful to a number of v6 owners I know of who have unsolved fan electrical problems.

There’s also a number of system sensors which need to be reporting correct status for the system to work. Air con is switched on by the computer. Failing this you can manually enable the air con compressor clutch to force the compressor to turn. This is not advisable to do if the system is low on refrigerant. Same goes for running the air con when you know it’s leaking or run low on refrigerant. If low then the system will struggle to cool.

As said before, the air con should start producing cool air within 10 seconds of first switching on a cold engine. You’ll notice the air temp start to drop. If it takes longer then this could be due to low refrigerant, slipping auxiliary belt not turning the air con compressor enough or slipping air con clutch. Could be sensors with incorrect readings. This is a good first judgement for any home mechanic trying to understand why their air con isn’t working. I phoned an air con specialist prior to going back to get mine re-worked. Even Mr Turpin would think £309 was a rip off for the work they suggested after I explained in detail what the problem was and the history. They wanted to replace all sorts of stuff which weren’t needed. No surprise I tried the recharge from the same peeps as before.

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