
New Member
I've got a 2002 Range Rover and the Air Suspension warning light appeared. The car is leaning to the drivers front side. I don't think its on the bump stops yet! I need to get it to my local garage which is 150 mikes away. Any advice about driving it? Will be ok? What damage could happen? Is it likely to an expensive fix? Thanks Landy Owners!
The handling will be quite strange I would imagine - I wouldn't be taking it at any speed down a motorway etc. Have you got breakdown cover? Get the car on a truck to the garage? Expensive fix? Not a clue about Rangies, but it may just be a punctured/blown airbag replacement.
I owned a P38 a few years ago and suffered the same experience. I drove it 25 miles to the nearest Land Rover garage, was very bumpy but caused no damage to the vehicle. I was then hit with a £700 bill for a new compressor!!

All went fine for about another 7 months until I noticed the suspension struggling to reach its limits again, my solution was to get rid of it as I wasn't prepared to part with another £700. I have since heard you can replace the cardboard washer that acts as a seal within the compressor that is the offending weakness within the compressor for very little expense (pennies) or buy a reconditioned unit for around £100. Had this been an option when I owned one I wouldn't have got rid of it. Great vehicle:Cry:
Mine went down and I drove it all week until my RSW Reset tool appeared, just take corners a bit slower and don't try to out traffic light a milk float.:)
I think it best to consider the state of the roads on route to your garage before driving it there. I once drove a new L322 Range Rover nearly 40 miles on the M40 after it's suspension dropped to what's known as transportation mode..... this is the setting they are on for being carried on twin deck car transporters. The instrument panel flagged up a warning not to exceed 30MPH. However, as I was on the motorway at the time I decided to continue my journey at 40MPH because the road surface was so good and obviously no sudden changes in camber or direction. It was still a little bumpy, but the worst bit was the amount of idiots who caught me up in the slow lane and had not noticed my lights and hazard lights on. I completed my journey with no miss-haps and no damage to the car but I would not do it again..... ever. Maybe you have a damaged height sensor on the affected corner of the car.... Might pay you to jack it up and take a look underneath. Happy hunting.

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