
Lay in bed this morning looking on this very forum as to why my disco 2 was higher on one side. Suspecting the ride height sensor started looking for parts then. BOOM. So guys. Where do I start an what else could be damaged.
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Jacked it up. Air bag inside out. Anyone got one and a height sensor in the Manchester area could collect today??
Replace both airbags, if one has failed the other will not be far behind. Why do you want a height sensor?
Last night came home an noticed it was at full height on one side an not the other. The side that's has exploded was at full height and from what I have read on here means it's a faulty height sensors.
VERY lucky you were surfing instead of driving when it went.

Always replace air-bags in pairs - Paddock will do a set of OEM ones for about £130. Delivery takes a couple of days and they come with new clips for the top ends.

Look on this forum for Battenbergs air suspension guide - he gives 2 different ways of replacing air-bags, both of them straightforward.

My top tip is to watch the RH bag as it fills and cut the engine if there is even the slightest sign of it not inflating correctly. With the LH bag, you cannot see it as it inflates, so start the engine (and therefore, the compressor) for literally a couple of seconds, then stop it, go round to the LH and check. Repeat until air-bag is full.

Allow a slack morning for the job, but if all goes OK you should be done in under 2 hours.

LR recomend replacement every 5 years, but if you don't do off roading regularly, you might get away with a bit longer. As soon as they start losing air overnight it is time to replace, as pumping them up every morning is not good for the compressor, which can be around £200 second hand.
If you are going to change ride height sensors, IT IS VITAL that before you disconnect the sensor, disconnect the main car battery.

If you don't the car will lose it's std height settings !!!
I would say to have a right good read of Battenbergs post entitled "Disco II Air Suspension - the definitive guide" before you start work, as there is some part of the job where I think you have to "fool" the sensors. Also lots of folks asking for (and getting) advice about various problems after his main post.

If there is no major difference between the measurements form wheel centres to lip of wheel arch, then you will be OK. Mine has a difference of about 8mm, which I can live with as my front springs are a bit worn and one might be a bit worse than the other, thus affecting the opposite side on the rear.

If the difference in heights is big, it still might not be a sensor problem. It may be that you need a trip to Land Rover dealers to have them (or rather, the computer) calibrated. KERCHING!

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