
Active Member
Morning all,

Had a LZ member visit this morning to read EAS fault codes on his '03 L322, with my Hawkeye pro.

Unfortunately i kept getting comms link failure when trying to read the EAS fault.

It would read engine and transmission DTC's, but wouldn't connect to read anything in the EAS sub category. ABS/DTC, Steering able sensor and air suspension.

This is my first attempt at using the Hawkeye on an L322, normally use it on P38's.

Should the Hawkeye be able to read EAS faults on an L322?

Is there a relay that needs to be removed like the yellow one under the passenger seat on P38's, i remember having to remove before the RSW EAS suite can connect?
Is the Hawkeye Pro pre-installed with the required software etc for the L322???

Engine and Gearbox DTC's have to be able to be read by almost all readers by some law/regulation for emission control etc....but the rest of the vehicle systems can be proprietry to the manufacturer - hence why you can read engine and gearbox DTCs and data.....

If the Hawkeye isn't licensed for the L322 then it may not work - I am not sure how the Pro system works, but the more basic Hawkeye needs to be licensed for each model it is used on.
Looking at the list, you need Cable and adaptors J1962 (BA5083) and Red (BA5078).....

Thanks just checked mine came with cable BA5083, but seems i need the Adaptor which is annoying as thought the pro was unlocked for all systems.

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