I've been having bother with the suspension on my landy, The drivers side front would lose pressure in the spring and that side would get low but it would go back up to the normal ride height without a problem, I checked for leeks with soapy water and didn't find any so after a bit of research it led me to believe that the piston ring might be on it's way out so i bought a new piston rign and o'ring from ebay and hopefully it was the right one. (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271939999758?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT)

I then replaced them and now the front end is very very slow to rise but once it is at the normal ride height it holds its height, any advice now would be great
The piston ring wouldn't effect one corner as all it does is charge the reservoir.
Mine had leaks in both front air springs but I couldn't find leaks with soapy water.
Off road height might reveal more as the creases in the air Spring can hide leaks. Diagnostics would give you more ideas as to whether you have valve or height sensor / ECU issues.
I have the icarsoft i1930 but it doesn't really give me much of an idea as to what is happening, I'll have another look today after i take my we man to school and see if it gives me any other codes
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Allcomms is my favourite although faultmate is better it is also a lot more cash and another is a IID tool but I don't anything about that
Can you put it on high and disable the computer somehow? Pull a fuse / relay? Leave a day and see what has sunk?
She won't go into off road anymore and I just done a scan while at the school and I'm getting "reservoir pressure static when filling"
There could be internal leaks in the valve block, dust caused by an old air dryer. If there is white dust in the system then your air dryer is breaking down and you would benefit from a valve block clean and rebuild. I had the same on my bus. Changed the contents of the air dryer (ebay), new piston seal (ebay) and finally cleaned and refitted new seals in the block. It responds quite quickly now. It had all the original seals and air dryer on it! 1999... That's a long time. The rebuild should have a new diaphragm seal as well. Thank funk for ebay.
20160907_093044.jpg 20160907_093037.jpg 20160907_093026.jpg 20160907_093017.jpg 20160907_093008.jpg 20160907_092936.jpg 20160907_092925.jpg 20160907_092910.jpg 20160907_092904.jpg 20160907_092854.jpg 20160907_092840.jpg 20160907_092822.jpg So I measured the data with the scanner I have but too much to list so I took photos, if someone knows what they are looking at and are able to explain to me that would be great cause I don't know what the readings should be.
Dont over analyse the problem. If you have slow moving suspension it normally relates to a physical part. Check fo traces of white dust after the air dryer and before the valve block. Your reading are a result of something malfunctioning. Always check the physical aspects first.
cheers mark, after further inspection and poking about a bit i can hear a hissing from in the engine bay, would that be the dryer?
Looking at those screen shots, two things stand out. You've got an overheat on the pump, and the tank pressure is 120 psi rather than 150 to 160. All points to a weak pump and or leak somewhere. New piston rings are ok if the pimp bore is not worn or scored.
This is the hissing that I'm getting while the compressor is running, I have no idea where it's coming from but as soon as the compressor stops, so does the hissing.
Here is a video so you can hear the hissing

That's a massive leak! Pump on the L322 is at the rear? So it must be a bag or connection to a bag.

That will burn the pump out in no time trying to feed a leak like that. I wouldn't drive it until found.
Static when filling means the pump is running but pressure is not building.
Your front left height sensor showing a height of 41 volts and - 4 mm could be a problem.
you need to clear all your faults and start again to see what comes back and what is old unless you have done that already.
looking at your video, this isnt an L322 is it ?

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