i would do that if i was going to spray my landy bright orange with 01 on the doors, but i aint....or maybe i will just for the larf.
or you could just buy more gob-stoppers,crayons and have enough left ovver to subscribe to the beano.
O' course, you're never childish and puerile are ya slob... yer sense o' humour is far more adult than that ;)
i'll have you know i used to have a PA system fitted to me car.. now that wur funny... bloke wiff head under bonnet of rice burner.. drive past shoutin stuff like 'that ill teach yer to buy jap' and watch in merriment as he leaps up and bangs noggin on bonnet... or watchin all the other cars in the clyde tunnel move out the way as you drive through while yer brother has the mic and he's screamin "NEE NAH NEEE NAH ' out through the PA horn. these and more fun times can be read about in my memoirs entitled' Too much time on his hands' ..
aye ah know! and i was forever telling you not to..

PS . how is yer mum these days and tell her hi from me.
got quite a lot done today, cut myself twice, swore a bunch of times but made some good progress, stripped out the headlining ready for re-covering and i even found some black fun fur on ebay, must look into getting some rubber matting for sound deadening.
I had a bunch of aluminium edging in the garage so im using that as the main box brackets, i have to locate 4 lenghts of 92" x 12" aluminium plate for the sides, im also going to be putting in two blue neons and one small strip light in the back, aswell as making 2 speaker boxes for some 200 watt speakers, not sure where im going to put the amp yet, i still need to sort the dash out so i can wire in the head unit and getting the lights and switches sorted.
Looking to fit a train horn to my Disco so i can scare the life out of crap drivers when warranted.

Anyone got any air horns, truck horns or train horns fitted, ship horns are a little OTT i reckon.

Anyone got any air horns for sale? Multiple loud ones.
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