You could always try a finer mesh. It may take out some pollen. As you will have to use shorter strips than the LR product, don't forget to buy additional clips.

Thanks, that's right will need more clips as not a long continuous strip! Might try Rimmer Bros for clips then or see if a local LR online retailer stocks them.
My hob fan has an aluminium mesh.
Yes, so do most, it is the stuff that sits in the ends of the fan that you are looking for, or pinned behind panels. There are lots of styles of extractor fans, think the huge conical ones that extract through the ceiling or the wall. I'll do some reseach and get back to you!
Amazon product

You should be able to cut any of these up to make into strips to do the biz, best of luck!
never needed filters when we had clean air!:)
I can remember in Hull before the Clean Air Act, the pea soupers you could cut with a knife! Everyone burnt ordinary coal in their open fires or stoves. Got lost going one street away to my piano lesson! So you must mean the time before diesels but after the coming of this Act!
But someone said the other day, "If you can smell it, it is particulates" So that must mean perfume, etc, etc are particulates. what a thought!

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