Hi all

I recently bought a nice defender 110 with a 200tdi engine, its been going well and in the month or so I've had it, its been great. I decided to check on the air filter the other day, and noticed that the filter in the air filter drum was too short, so effectively there has been no air filter since it was last changed (ive not managed to get hold of prev owner to ask). It looks like there is a 220mm filter and a 280mm filter, the 220 is maybe for the NAD engine? I put a new one in and confirmed it fits, but im worried that some damage may have been done. There is nothing obvious, but what would you expect could get damaged/what should I brace myself for / anything i should check asap?


I dont own a 90 but have owned a Discovery that came without a filter (or may as well of done) if there was a filter attached even if it was to short you will be ok. Any filter is better than no filter. Were there lots of leaves and twigs around the filter?

Thanks Littelwil - No nothing but a bit of an oil residue, no leaves etc. The gap around the base of the air filter (going up to the turbo) was huge though, I can't imagine there was any filtration at all - the gap was about 8cm/3", so air/dirt/etc could just come straight from the inlet direct into the turbo without even touching the filter.

Like I say, It seems to be ok, but I dont know what normal is :)

Thanks for the help!
its running.... its likely to stay that way.

many a tdi has been abused much worse and still going strong.
Youll be fine.. My advice would be to give it a bloody good service. If the filter was wrong id bet the oil filter may be wrong too.. also check the levels in places like the axles and gear box/change them anyway maybe used wrong grade of oil... just a suggestion mate. :)
Youll be fine.. My advice would be to give it a bloody good service. If the filter was wrong id bet the oil filter may be wrong too.. also check the levels in places like the axles and gear box/change them anyway maybe used wrong grade of oil... just a suggestion mate. :)

+1 it would be best giving it a full service so at least you know everything is right then
Lol mine doesn't even have a filter housing, it's piped up from snorkel direct to turbo :eek:
It's on my to do list of jobs which I never get round to, has been like this for nearly a year of ownership and God knows how long before:eek:
I try not to think about it so then I won't worry about it lol
Ok, i feel a lot better now (was expecting to have to start hiding money under the mattress to prepare for the big bill!) - thanks everyone!

PS I've been checking the gear/transfer box and axle levels and they seem fine - didnt think about wrong grade - all the servicing was done by a "reputable" place in london. To be fair to them, it came with a NAD engine and was converted to 200tdi by liveridge, maybe they just assumed based on the chassis number - the only way to see that it was too short was to look in the inlet part of the air filter box - now that ive discovered that it hangs quite low in the engine compartment, im thinking of asking father christmas for a snorkel, but thats another thread...
I wouldnt take it back to there if they cannot realise that the air filter didnt fit properly but just bodged it in anyway.
Many moons ago was well into grass track racing.New guy came along and his car was was going well at first then began to loose power,we found this was due to the sock over the carb inlet becoming clogged!!
Haha, i admit i did think of the sock solution - luckily euro had the filter in stock the day i discovered it! Def won't be going to the same place as its london and I'm down in Devon, I've had a few recommendations of places, but I'd like to learn how to do the bulk myself (been poring over the liveridge book and the haynes book of lies!)

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