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I have a 1988 defender which was converted to a 300tdi at some point. The air filter canister doesnt have an inlet pipe, so looking to sort that out and add a snorkel while i'm at it, but have a few questions

1) What side of the car does the inlet pipe go? Looking at photos on google, i can see some exiting at the drivers wing, then others have the pipe going up and over the engine, to exit on the passengers side. All '300tdi snorkels' i find seem to fit to the drivers wing...

2)On the parts diagram below, where does part 10 go? I wasn't expecting to see a t-piece in there, i thought it would be a direct line to the snorkel...

3) For the actual snorkel, i see some have a vent facing forward, others have it facing back, and then others have a cowl around. I remember reading that the tdi's don't need rammed air, so i guess either the cowl or the vent facing back is best option?

A 1988 vehicle is not a Defender, it is a Ninety, or a One Ten. The air intake of Ninety/One Ten is on the opposite wing to a Defender.

Why do you need a snorkel? Do you really intend to drive through waist deep water? The aren't usually needed, are fuel inefficient at speed, and make you look like a poser.

If you really feel a need to fit one, fit the cowl backwards.
Oh yeh, i forgot about the Defender vs 90. So that would suggest the photos showing the inlet exiting the passengers wing are Defenders (like my one as the passenger wing has the vent port) and the others are 90s.

I am replacing the sides of my wings, so i can make a choice of what side to have the port. Drivers side looks easier.

Any thoughts on Part 10 from the diagram?

And to your question.... since when has need vs want ever been a consideration to 90% of land rover owners? haha. But as it happens, yes, i do need it for the type of work i do.

As I understand it, assuming we are talking RHD, 300tdi exited on the drivers side, 200tdi exited on the passenger side, not sure about the 19J but ( and I may be wrong) I thought it exited on the passenger side.

Item 10, from what I have seen on others is a one way valve to allow condensation any moisture to escape. Mine does not have one fitted.

Part 10 as said is a dump valve. If you want a snorkel for wading either don't fit it or you will have to seal it up and seal your air filter as they'll both let in water wading. And don't buy one that clamps through the wing get one where the a pipe comes through otherwise it's pointless. When you have done the install you should be able to block the inlet on the snorkel and the engine should stall, if it doesn't there's a gap somewhere not sealed.
A 300 tdi defender is right wing exit. The pipe goes from the turbo behind engine to crankcase breather on the T and to the cleaner. Then to dump valve and out rhs wing.
If you're looking at buying a gen 300 tdi air cleaner as I did they're expensive lol I think I'd use a disco 300tdi air box if I did again rarther than the defender canister. Also take the canister to bits and look through it for daylight there's usually gaps in the welds to a degree that if deep wading will take in water. The fittings for factory spec install are expensive too for what it is. You could put your snorkel on the left as long as it fits it doesn't really matter I've seen 300 conversions where they used the disco air pipe and lhs exit. Mine used to be a v8 and had an exit through left wing on top. I'm putting mine back to rhs normal exit cos I don't like snorkels. They hamper vision on drivers side too FYI.
Oh yeh, i forgot about the Defender vs 90. So that would suggest the photos showing the inlet exiting the passengers wing are Defenders (like my one as the passenger wing has the vent port) and the others are 90s.

I am replacing the sides of my wings, so i can make a choice of what side to have the port. Drivers side looks easier.

Any thoughts on Part 10 from the diagram?

And to your question.... since when has need vs want ever been a consideration to 90% of land rover owners? haha. But as it happens, yes, i do need it for the type of work i do.

What sort of work do you do, then?


As I understand it, assuming we are talking RHD, 300tdi exited on the drivers side, 200tdi exited on the passenger side, not sure about the 19J but ( and I may be wrong) I thought it exited on the passenger side.

Item 10, from what I have seen on others is a one way valve to allow condensation any moisture to escape. Mine does not have one fitted.

19j, and other engines fitted as standard in a Ninety, intake passenger side wing on RHD.
Part 10 as said is a dump valve. If you want a snorkel for wading either don't fit it or you will have to seal it up and seal your air filter as they'll both let in water wading. And don't buy one that clamps through the wing get one where the a pipe comes through otherwise it's pointless. When you have done the install you should be able to block the inlet on the snorkel and the engine should stall, if it doesn't there's a gap somewhere not sealed.
A 300 tdi defender is right wing exit. The pipe goes from the turbo behind engine to crankcase breather on the T and to the cleaner. Then to dump valve and out rhs wing.
If you're looking at buying a gen 300 tdi air cleaner as I did they're expensive lol I think I'd use a disco 300tdi air box if I did again rarther than the defender canister. Also take the canister to bits and look through it for daylight there's usually gaps in the welds to a degree that if deep wading will take in water. The fittings for factory spec install are expensive too for what it is. You could put your snorkel on the left as long as it fits it doesn't really matter I've seen 300 conversions where they used the disco air pipe and lhs exit. Mine used to be a v8 and had an exit through left wing on top. I'm putting mine back to rhs normal exit cos I don't like snorkels. They hamper vision on drivers side too FYI.

Agree with all of that. But in fact, the dump valve, or rubber tit as we used to call it, should be one way if it is in good condition. Most are very perished because no-one ever replaces them. A rubber component cannot be expected to last 25 years in a hot engine bay.
What sort of work do you do, then?

Agree with all of that. But in fact, the dump valve, or rubber tit as we used to call it, should be one way if it is in good condition. Most are very perished because no-one ever replaces them. A rubber component cannot be expected to last 25 years in a hot engine bay.
They're always shagged! Between that and the crap welds on the cleaner it's hard to get s good seal
A 1988 vehicle is not a Defender, it is a Ninety, or a One Ten. The air intake of Ninety/One Ten is on the opposite wing to a Defender.

Why do you need a snorkel? Do you really intend to drive through waist deep water? The aren't usually needed, are fuel inefficient at speed, and make you look like a poser.

If you really feel a need to fit one, fit the cowl backwards.
+1. I took mine off. I get better mpg and I don't want to drive my pride and joy through deep water
When I first got my Defender I drove it through water and just about every challenge I could find for it. Now I know what it's capable of I don't bother. I suppose it's something we have to do. When the snow comes it gets enough of a challenge or on the next Morocco trip.
So item 10 is the dump valve.... but i thought that was the nipple called off as number 3?

Yeh, the new air filter is around £60. I'd then need to buy the hose to the wing too which is just as expensive! Any cheaper alternative hoses? I gather it doesnt need to be anything fancy at all?
They're both water drains.
I got a set of basically the whole thing (supposidly) for 75 quid. All pipes dump and filter. But it was missing the second section of the filter - turbo pipe so gota pay like 40 quid for new one of those... if I were you and having a snorkel I'd just go pirtek or some other pipe shop and find one that fits filter - snorkel pipe may need reducer or enlargers not sure on sizes.
Guessing you don't have the backed either? It's really expensive too for what it is. Like 50 quid for a bent plate.
I'm going to make my own bracket and fix it where the AC unit/pully bit would bolt onto the engine. Then weld some tabs and use large jubilee clips; seen no end like it. Get some of the lil rubber spacers or it will vibrate. Wouldn't pay for the gen part though isn't worth it unless going for a factory finish which with a conversion you aren't.
Also in your position I'd buy the disco air box rarther than defender canister type. Literally fraction of the price does the same
Also if you intend to properly wade get the kit for axel and gearbox plus timing case breathers and some wading plugs.
Make sure your crankcase is breathing into the turbo pipe too and not just hanging like mine was when got it
Also if you intend to properly wade get the kit for axel and gearbox plus timing case breathers and some wading plugs.
Make sure your crankcase is breathing into the turbo pipe too and not just hanging like mine was when got it

I'm new to the 4x4 off road scene, I'm looking for a snorkel for when i go off roading and I've been having a read around. i wasn't aware i would also need a wade kit. where would i get this and how do i check if ive already got one ?
I'm new to the 4x4 off road scene, I'm looking for a snorkel for when i go off roading and I've been having a read around. i wasn't aware i would also need a wade kit. where would i get this and how do i check if ive already got one ?
Unless you plan on deep wading or super dusty off roading I wouldn't put one on. There's no need
You can get them on ebay and other parts sites, if you look for your breather pipes you'll see if they just poke up like normal ones or if they're lengthened and sealed like a wade kit. Should be ones on axels gearbox can get a cover plate for timing case that also fits into it. The kit I saw they all joined to one tube which you could then attach high. Most people do it next to snorkel. If you have a leccy fan don't run it when you wade either.
You'l have to seal or replace the drain valves in the air ittntake system too. They should be one way if working right but it's old they probably won't. Probably need to seal your filter case too the welds aren't good seals. Depends how far you want to go really!
The grit in muddy water ruins everything so you'll have alot more to fix over time too haha :p
don't forget wade plugs too

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