
New Member
The AC compressor on my 1998 2.0TD Freelander does not appear to be operating when switched on. When operating the AC switch, there is no additional load on the engine as used to be the case when the compressor clutch engaged. I suspect a faulty fuse or compressor relay / compressor clutch relay, but do not have a relay location diagram.

Is the problem likely to be as simple as a blown fuse or faulty relay? If so, how do I locate the relevant relays.

most A/C faults are due to low charge in the system
get yer self an A/C gauge from ebay and check yer ok gas wise
if no load is detected then its out of gas.
it needs a pressure test doin, ie, nitrogen gas charged and any leak/inop pump will show up.
Thanks for the ideas and info guys. Sounds most likely a low charge or fluid leak - I'll check it out, but still like to check the fuse + relay first - any links to a rave cd - no joy on ebay? Troosers still on so guess the belt's ok.

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