
New Member
Hi I'm thinking of putting Air-con into my 300tdi. Does anybody have it, if so does it work good, is it worth the cost and is it nice & cold?
And if you have a kit for a 300tdi for sale would be a bonus too.
the later type aircon works OK , its the sort that takes up a bit room in the passenger footwell , the earlier type is a bit useless. You can also go aftermarket eg rooftop etc . which is what I have and its not cheap but will chill you in 45C If you only travel in UK its a bit debatable whether its worth all the hassle and cost retrofitting . JMHO
air con??? uv got no probs keeping cool but I'd be thinking bout heaters if I were u ;)

Haha so true! ^^^^^
It's mainly for trips away, I'm doing Morocco next year & don't want to sweat my balls off. The type I've been looking at is the later 'under dash' style.
Well send it this way if you've still got it ;)
Sorry mate. Sold the bits on fleabay to a bloke in Kenya. Got nearly £400 for all the bits except the compressor which I kept for another project. Gained about four inches leg room and never missed it. It needed regassing pretty much every year and was never that effective so it had to go.
Sorry mate. Sold the bits on fleabay to a bloke in Kenya. Got nearly £400 for all the bits except the compressor which I kept for another project. Gained about four inches leg room and never missed it. It needed regassing pretty much every year and was never that effective so it had to go.

Nightmare!! I know I'll never use it here, mainly for trips away.

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