
Hi Guys,

I was wondering if any of you chaps have altered the way your air con works?

What I mean is that in normal operation if you direct the airflow to the windscreen the aircon automatically comes on. I tend to leave the air onto the windscreen all the time but I don't really want the aircon sapping further power and mpg.

Any advice or tips welcome with open arms.

the AC only works if the swich is depressed (light on) and the fan is turned on
well it dose on mine anyhow
hi ya Mondeo - I think it is a design feature that when the air flow is directed to the windscreen, the aircon comes on to speed up demisting. Think its in the handbook.
The Mad Hat Man said:
hi ya Mondeo - I think it is a design feature that when the air flow is directed to the windscreen, the aircon comes on to speed up demisting. Think its in the handbook.

Well why does it tell you in the handbook to run the A/C for at least ten minutes every week even in winter to keep it operational. Think mine is like Mondo says and only comes on with switch pressed in and fan at least on 1:confused: :confused:
I cant find any refe to it in the Rave disk - so maybe I woz mistaken.

(not wrong, yu understand, just mistaken :D)
It is a "Design" feature, I first discovered it shortly after taking ownership. Parked up after a drive with the air directed to windscreen (Aircon button off), big pools of water under the car, lifted bonnet - suction pipe ice cold!!

So can it be disabled??
The Mad Hat Man said:
I cant find any refe to it in the Rave disk - so maybe I woz mistaken.

(not wrong, yu understand, just mistaken :D)

yer wernt gerrin confused with the Datsun thingy were you:p ;)
Of what year is your Hippo mib ?? I think this came standard on the later models, mine is a 2001 and I don't think it operates this way. More like the others say, fan on 1 and switch depressed or no aircon. (Not that it will make much of a difference as the aircon is one of the two minor things on the Hippo, namely the aircon and the heating.):mad:
willo said:
Of what year is your Hippo mib ?? I think this came standard on the later models, mine is a 2001 and I don't think it operates this way. More like the others say, fan on 1 and switch depressed or no aircon. (Not that it will make much of a difference as the aircon is one of the two minor things on the Hippo, namely the aircon and the heating.):mad:

Hi Willo, Mine's a 2005
I guessed it was a more recent model than mine, I can point everything to the windscreen but the aircon will not click in.
The aircon is activated in the two windscreen options to dehumidify the air and speed demisting.

This only happens, IIRC, BEFORE the coolant temperature is normal. Therefore, you don;t need to worry about your MPG as it will only be on for a few minutes, depending on how long it takes for the temp needle to go from blue to black!


Blippie said:
The aircon is activated in the two windscreen options to dehumidify the air and speed demisting.

This only happens, IIRC, BEFORE the coolant temperature is normal. Therefore, you don;t need to worry about your MPG as it will only be on for a few minutes, depending on how long it takes for the temp needle to go from blue to black!



It seems to work all the time the air is directed at the windscreen, irrespective of the coolant temperature??

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