
Hi All,
My air con isn’t working – I’ve tried to get it fixed but hit problems.
2001 P38 diesel with the small condenser.
Had it tested and condenser leaking .
Ordered one from an air con specialist - keying in year etc – old larger condenser received. Tried Island 4x4 and again wrong condenser – originally they thought they had the right type then on checking said sorry wrong one.
My thought now is to fit the larger standard condenser – it would appear to fit in the space -adjustment to oil cooler brackets.
Now the problem - The present condenser to compressor pipe fitting, on the condenser end, is a straight pipe with “O” ring seal – same type as on to the compressor rather than a screwed nut on the earlier type. Can this pipe be changed to that used on earlier P38 diesels - think the ref is AWR5075.
Is there any detriment in doing this?
The benefit is should the condenser leak again then replacement in easy.
All comments warmly welcomed
If you are capable of doing it. I'd fit the larger condenser. Even if you can find one, the small condenser is 2 or three times the price of the larger unit.
Hi, I've a 2001 DHSE and have the short condenser you describe. See these two threads for my experiences. I doubt you'll find a replacement - and if you do it'll be eye wateringly expensive. My fix is still tight after a year. I did think that the earlier square condenser would go in with a bit of adjustment to the oil cooler and either a matching earlier set of pipes or adapting the ends to fit.

Let us know how you get on and if the condenser does go in? I hope you get chilled soon!

Hi Datatek
Thanks for your comments.

It's not the fitting which is the problem but, which pipe do I need to buy to connect the larger condenser to the compressor. All I need is confirmation it will fit and a reference number for the pipe - if possible
Hi Datatek
Thanks for your comments.

It's not the fitting which is the problem but, which pipe do I need to buy to connect the larger condenser to the compressor. All I need is confirmation it will fit and a reference number for the pipe - if possible
Contact a breaker like Emmots for the pipe.
will it not weld up?ive done a couple now on the petrols.the alloy on a condenser is much thicker than on a radiator.
Hi All,
I'm looking at a long term solution that's why replacing with the most commonly available.
Hi Sassanach -The garage suggested that it was tricky to weld where it was leaking.
Hi Datatek - Would have been happy to buy new pipes as necessary provided I had a definite reference of what to buy. Took your advice and have contacted Emmotts and am waiting for them to return call.
Hi All,
I'm looking at a long term solution that's why replacing with the most commonly available.
Hi Sassanach -The garage suggested that it was tricky to weld where it was leaking.
Hi Datatek - Would have been happy to buy new pipes as necessary provided I had a definite reference of what to buy. Took your advice and have contacted Emmotts and am waiting for them to return call.
Waste of time welding the condenser, as fast as you fix one leak, you are likely to get a new one in another place.
Like welding a Moths wing. :D:D

that would be true of a radiator that only has to hold 15psi,a condenser on the other hand has to cope with pressures up to 400 psi therefore its construction is much stronger.on the petrols they seem to leak where the clamp bolts are in the top l/h or r/h corner.easily weldable.
as a ps I see you are in Gloucester,i have just come back from the armed forces day parade there,i could off had a shufti.
that would be true of a radiator that only has to hold 15psi,a condenser on the other hand has to cope with pressures up to 400 psi therefore its construction is much stronger.on the petrols they seem to leak where the clamp bolts are in the top l/h or r/h corner.easily weldable.
Pin holes appear all over the place, so yes you can weld and again and again and again:rolleyes: By the time you have paid for all the re-charges it's cheaper to fit a new one.
Hi All,
I've finally sorted my air con problems - now have a cool car!!!

The 2001 smaller condenser has a different connection from the compressor. Unfortunately, for me, I didn't have the reference for the pipe. Bought a set of pipes from Emmotts of Colne - ended up calling in and coming away with the correct pipe. If you need a part speak to Liam - he's a helpful nice guy.
For your info the pipe reference is AWR5075.
Glad you got it sorted.

Still haven't been able to identify correctly what one I need..and it's exactly your situation I've been trying to avoid!

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