
New Member
Does anyone know how to determin the fault(s) on the aircon ecu when the book symbol appears?:eek: I am hoping NOT to have to go to the main stealers for this! I have heard that it only detects a few faults so elimination shouldn't be too hard if that is the case? So does anyone know what does trigger the book symbol? Thanks Guys!:)
no but i'll keep looking at your post for help to,i did buy a gas it yourself kit and it revealed my system is over pressurised so i could not add any gas.
Do a Search this has been covered many times.....try blend motors aircon etc
Mines caused by a faulty heater core sensor, found using a faultmate. Just got to get round to fixing it now.
mine pops up now and again seems to clear itself...what could be causing this...btw the hevac works greeat.
Sometimes one of the blend flaps stick - there is a thread somewhere on how to cure it - as good old Range Rover didn't work out the fitting too well and the plastic flap sticks from time to time. It seems to clear itself, sometimes if you turn the engine off and on again quickly it frees it up for ages. Only problem with a sticking blend flap is that the blend motor can wear out quicker and the the openbook stays open and you get the other problems of hot air from the vents when set to cold etc etc.

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