I'm in two minds whether to buy a air Compressor or not. It would on only be born general garage use. I've seen a 50ltr 2.5hp one on flebay for £90. Has anyone else got over would anybody recommend me getting one?
I'm in two minds whether to buy a air Compressor or not. It would on only be born general garage use. I've seen a 50ltr 2.5hp one on flebay for £90. Has anyone else got over would anybody recommend me getting one?

All depends on what you want to use it for and what you are running off it. Do a search on here and google. If it's too small for what you want, your wasting your money and it will just gather dust.
The important bit in the spec of a compressor is FAD - free air delivery - usually in Cubic Feet per minuit = CFM, or occasionally in litre per minuit. This will tell you if the tools you want to run from it, can be run continuously, or wether you will have to wait for the tank to repressurise. This is not an issue for rarely used tool, but a complete PITA if you need tool X all the time.
The main tools would be a grinder and a spray gun really. Nothing to heavy duty wise just touch ups and stuff. Instead of me going in to work on my days off and using the fab shop, I've got the specs below:


Power- 1.5kw (2hp)
Working Pressure - 8bar (121psi)
Speed - 2850rpm
Displacement - 206ltr/min (7.3Cfm)
Tank Capacity - 50Ltr (13Gal)
Voltage - 240v 50Hz
Dimensions - 77 x 33 x 74cm
Weight - 34kgs

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