Hi Ryan,

How goes the Series?

I am not sure it works this way, I always assumed you cannot programme a height setting for the raised position, and as such it is a setting for the height sensors to meet that is hard stored into the system, Not an addition to the std height saved in the parameters that is changeable using nanocom or a hawkeye. If you get my meaning. If it is an addition to what can be set by the user , then that could get dangerous if you set the std height higher than recommended. .....:oops::oops:

Are you going to try it or shall I????.....................:D:D

Watcha matey, My mistake if I chatted a load of BS, but only going off remembering reading somewhere about programming the normal in excess of what the original normal was, if that makes sense :p and yeah the jist of it obviously as you say, was if it did work this would be dangerous since the extra strain on it at speed, and with the off road height adding another 1.5inches worth of air to an already higher than standard bag would likely mean a new rear end :D
Hi @RyanDay1 ,

I might have to go play tomorrow and see what measurements I get......LOL against the readings from the nanocom.

Watch this space, if you hear a loud bang , then I got something wrong..........:oops:

Hi @RyanDay1 ,

I might have to go play tomorrow and see what measurements I get......LOL against the readings from the nanocom.

Watch this space, if you hear a loud bang , then I got something wrong..........:oops:

Haha tread carefully :p
And the series goes alright, hoping to get back to it very soon, in the mean time we've ended up with another one, fully restored as an investment, she's a stunner!
i made no comment about uk off road and just to clear the air what does fer mean as in your first comment ?

Just a poor attempt at a bit of self deprecating humour! ;)

any way i dont know any thing about off road not interested but i do own 420 acres of hills,valleys and rivers

As it happens, I am not that keen on off roading either, after 35 years of doing it with work, the interest fades. And I have a pretty bad back.

Most interested in the 420 acres, do you have any pictures? I am a landowner too, not as much as that though, and in Cornwall, not France!

Some stuff about it, and other agricultural interest, in here

Hi @RyanDay1

So I went for a play with the nanocom,

What I found was my sensors give some sporadic results, which does not surprise me as I know one is a year old and the other is as old as some of the senior members on here...................:D

This is what I found.

Daily settings
Std mode NS Nanocom setting 149 real 477mm
Std mode OS Nanocom setting 149 real 479mm

ORM mode NS Nanocom setting 177 real 510mm
ORM mode OS Nanocom setting 175 real 530mm

Test , I lowered the std settings and worked from there.
Std mode NS Nanocom setting 131 real 450mm
Std mode OS Nanocom setting 121 real 445mm

ORM mode NS Nanocom setting 157 real 495mm
ORM mode OS Nanocom setting 147 real 470mm

So, it appears I was wrong and you were right..........:(, it does not have a std setting locked into the ECU for the ORM, ( although to be honest , I did not try and set a high STD setting and then raise the ORM , in case it did go bang..LOL.....Yes I chickened out) it appears to add by my calculations a measurement that correlates approx to the nanocom as 26 steps on the reading provided. Now because my sensors obviously have a delta to each other it shows that the actual height changes LH to RH compared to the readout provided by the nanocom even if the starting point in mm is the same.

All the above measurements were taken with the utmost disregard for any form of technical re-assessment and cannot be replicated in a laboratory, plus my road is on a hill as I could not be bothered ot drive anywhere on the level.

So to a conclusion.

If you set your STD height setting very high , then your ORM from what I see could also be higher than intended.

Hi @RyanDay1

So I went for a play with the nanocom,

What I found was my sensors give some sporadic results, which does not surprise me as I know one is a year old and the other is as old as some of the senior members on here...................:D

This is what I found.

Daily settings
Std mode NS Nanocom setting 149 real 477mm
Std mode OS Nanocom setting 149 real 479mm

ORM mode NS Nanocom setting 177 real 510mm
ORM mode OS Nanocom setting 175 real 530mm

Test , I lowered the std settings and worked from there.
Std mode NS Nanocom setting 131 real 450mm
Std mode OS Nanocom setting 121 real 445mm

ORM mode NS Nanocom setting 157 real 495mm
ORM mode OS Nanocom setting 147 real 470mm

So, it appears I was wrong and you were right..........:(, it does not have a std setting locked into the ECU for the ORM, ( although to be honest , I did not try and set a high STD setting and then raise the ORM , in case it did go bang..LOL.....Yes I chickened out) it appears to add by my calculations a measurement that correlates approx to the nanocom as 26 steps on the reading provided. Now because my sensors obviously have a delta to each other it shows that the actual height changes LH to RH compared to the readout provided by the nanocom even if the starting point in mm is the same.

All the above measurements were taken with the utmost disregard for any form of technical re-assessment and cannot be replicated in a laboratory, plus my road is on a hill as I could not be bothered ot drive anywhere on the level.

So to a conclusion.

If you set your STD height setting very high , then your ORM from what I see could also be higher than intended.

Blimey me, you're the engineer and I'm just some muppet ;) that's a lot of numbers and fancy words, moral of the story is, be careful what you do with your nanocom and SLS heights :p

Would be worth keeping those numbers for future ref
Blimey me, you're the engineer and I'm just some muppet ;) that's a lot of numbers and fancy words, moral of the story is, be careful what you do with your nanocom and SLS heights :p

Would be worth keeping those numbers for future ref

Alright....You can stop gloating now..........Young man...........:p:p:p:p

How does the Hawkeye measure the heights?

Alright....You can stop gloating now..........Young man...........:p:p:p:p

How does the Hawkeye measure the heights?

I'll go have a play now, but I probably will blow something up...

It reads..
31. SLS Height Right
144 Counts
32. SLS Height Left
154 Counts
33. Valve supply. RR

0.21v to compressor with ign on, that all means more to you than me

On programming it also shows this
Now this is for calibration I believe so I will try matching the 2
It raised by 10 on the right but the left climbed as well, so I stopped at 165 on left and 155 on right, got scared and canceled the lot as it started to go on about calibration blocks :oops:
Think its gone back to norm now
I'd love to be in the know about how to do everything with this gadget, as I'm sure you can play with a lot but don't know where to start, do you know what things you can programme on the D2 to improve anything? I've already set my unlocking settings and a few bits like the alarm etc. But not sure what else there is
The Hawkeye doesn't bombard you with loads of confusing info at once, but then with only a few buttons and little text it's not always understandable what's what to the untrained Muppet like me
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HI Ryan,

Do you not get a destruction book with the Hawkeye. I thought you did.
What actual heights were you getting? ctr wheel to wheel arch?

HI Ryan,

Do you not get a destruction book with the Hawkeye. I thought you did.
What actual heights were you getting? ctr wheel to wheel arch?

Application list but no instructions, besides how to plug it in which I did manage to work out myself ;)
Didn't measure the actual heights yet stupidly, will do tomorrow!
It's the same with almost all technology these days, you get a "Quick start guide" with the newly purchased product, but any more comprehensive instructions and you've got to go online.
It's the same with almost all technology these days, you get a "Quick start guide" with the newly purchased product, but any more comprehensive instructions and you've got to go online.
The quick start guide is very useful, it tells ya how to turn it on and all sorts of high tech stuff...
I saw that this afternoon, when I was searching for one, I was hoping yours was different . But it is not really a destruction manual on how it works and what it means/ does.

Just a poor attempt at a bit of self deprecating humour! ;)

As it happens, I am not that keen on off roading either, after 35 years of doing it with work, the interest fades. And I have a pretty bad back.

Most interested in the 420 acres, do you have any pictures? I am a landowner too, not as much as that though, and in Cornwall, not France!

Some stuff about it, and other agricultural interest, in here

will take some and post or just look on google maps puy larousse 87130 :)

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