
New Member
Well some twazzak ran up the arse end of me P38, and tried snogging my back axle in an astra van. Whilst the rangy was stood still waiting to turn right. Result is me rangy has been written off. Wasnt much left of the astra, it burried itself almost to the windscreen so no debate there.
The sad news is I wont have any more will it or wont it want to play today. Problems solved until i get another that is.
Well some twazzak ran up the arse end of me P38, and tried snogging my back axle in an astra van. Whilst the rangy was stood still waiting to turn right. Result is me rangy has been written off. Wasnt much left of the astra, it burried itself almost to the windscreen so no debate there.
The sad news is I wont have any more will it or wont it want to play today. Problems solved until i get another that is.

If you plan to get another P38, could be a useful source of spares if you can get it for peanuts and have somewhere to keep it:D
Ah the joy and anticipation of starting over! Reminds me of quote from Boswell and Johnson. "A young friend, unhappy in marriage and recently widowed had announced his intention to remarry. Johnson said it was the triumph of optimism over experience." :D :D
i would certainly look at getting the salvage if you can get it cheap enough. then get the same colour one and you will have no end of spares,
Are you likely to have a battle to get a sensible payout or have they agreed already?

My brother had his Vauxhall written off by a bird in a landy who ran into the back of him when he was stationary (scratch on the Landy's bumper) and he got bugger all out of the insurance company despite squabbling with them for about 6 months. He wasn't happy!

or put the saga of range rover ownership to bed, any whiplash?
i had a escort cabby written off, they wanted me to acept 30% blame. i was indicating to turn right, into a layby. this tit came speeding up and overtook me just as i was beyond the point of no return.

i used the highway code, turns out that overtaking should not be done when there is a turn on any side of the road!!!(section 142/143 i think).

the solicitor was quite impressed and the third party insurers couldn't get the cheque in the post quick enough!!!

moral of the story is, get plenty of piccys, get google maps of the area and see what the reason would be to not do what they did!!! sling it all at em and they have no defence, the highway code is the driving handbook, although its not a legal document as such, its the reference material for driving and the courts do take it into account!
Well so far no real probs with the insurance, no excess to pay so a full payout, on thier value. Its a little down but its ok, as next week I would have had about a grand to spend to get it through the MOT. So its worth it to get shut.

Yes whiplash and back injury as well resulted. :
for a "low level" whiplash to my lower back i got 3,5k from my crash using a solicotor. the offers were 500. 1000. 1500. damm thing still hurts but thats because the insurance co demande di take the coffer of 500 plus physio. . glad i didnt. i just bought me a 110 with it

i did find that usinga solicitor took the hassel away. he got it all sorted for no fee at all and got me much more than i would have settled at. with him saying that it was a fair and honest offer given the medical reports he had done.

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