
New Member
So this morning morning I got a phone call from the police. They have been passed details from DVA saying two people are claiming ownership of my registration!! I need to find numbers apart from VIN plate and engine(not original) that identifies my S11A. Does anyone know what numbers the DVA or Land Rover themselves keep? I.e axle serials, gearbox or anything else? I run the risk of being put on a Q plate and losing all the heritage of my Ex FFR.

Cheers in advance
Over a year in the shed only just sent of for paperwork. It's no where near road legal yet.
I assume you don't have any demob paperwork from when it was first released from the military? Maybe worth contacting them to see what records they hold to see if you can prove some sort of ownership trail.
No I don't. I'm hoping to go to shed on Thursday to see if the plate was on the seatbox. I can prove it was MOD. Underseat double tank change over 24v and fittings.
Interesting that it is the registration they are claiming ownership of. I would be inclined to ask the police what document evidence the other claimant has to the registration. I don't know under what circumstances you bought the vehicle but it is possible the previous owner has sold the number, if there was any value in it, or someone has seen it lying in a garden/yard etc and applied for it and was sent the V5. Dates of issue on the current V5 would assist. I would also be in contact with the previous owner to establish if he sold the number. Good luck and keep us posted.
DVLA normally sends out letters when there is a question mark over names etc on V5

V5 are records of registered keeper and not who is the legal owner of the vehicle.

DVLA sends out these letters when say they can not decipher the registration marks on forms they are processing.

Police phoning up? Would suggest a quiet word with a traffic cop, who might have a look at their data to see if they have any interest in that vehicle.

my thoughts too. If someone knows that this registration has not been put back on the road and can establish that you have little or no proof to the history then they could be trying to claim your age related plate for a Fender or similar
worth going down to the local copshop and confirming it was them.

they might even be after the numbers to stamp on their own stuff to steal the id.
go to askmid, thatll show if that reg no has insurance against it, the dvla search you need to know the make of vehicle its on.
Id pop into the cop shop, abd/or ring the DVLA, afaik the DVLA dont phone, they write to you.
The police will be able to access a particular database that will give them a whole load of serial numbers etc that your chassis number will be linked to so all you need to do is give them all the numbers you can find , eg on chassis leg , gearbox front and rear axle will do , even tho the engine number is not original .

being ex mil it should have plate with contract etc on it IIRC
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DVLA still handed the new owner of my stolen series 3 the v5 even though I told them it was stolen.
Have been in touch today with MOD and got data card for said chassis number. This proves that number belongs to a FFR. So as you know there are quite a lot if unique things with FFR that were not on domestic release. Hitting chassis and axels tomorrow with paint stripper.

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