I was 46 when I got my Disco 2 in June this year - first ever Land Rover product I've owned. I know what you mean - all I can relate it to is when you built a den as a kid. Land Rovers are like a den...with wheels and an engine! :cool: :D

Welcome. I got mine just before I was 50 and spent my 50th birthday underneath it, having broken down on a bypass just outside Shrewsbury. I've had trouble since too, but I just love it more and more.
Hi there,

I'm 46 and got my first Defender 5 weeks ago. Loving driving it, look for excuses to go out in it. Not sure if the novelty ever wears off. Just looking forward to some snow now!
Ta for the really good stories, info and wave etiquette. Just like Richb1967, I can't wait for the snow!!

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