
New Member
Anybody done this, seen a DIY thread on this or have any ideas about this ?

My LED's are a pain in the arse, sometimes they work, sometimes they dont. I would love an electronic lcd gauge that tells me whats left, like 46% remaining etc..

Or a mechanical meter of some sort in a dah pod. Anything..

Anybody looked into this, only thing i could find is rigging it upto the fuel gauge but thats fecked n'all...
My LED gas (LPG) works as well any I've seen....incredibly inaccurately!! (less full on a cold day, more on a hot day.....simply easier to reset the odometer to zero at fill up and count the miles for a better idea of when you're likely to have to switch to petrol.
If you are successfully are rigging up an accurate LPG meter let us know here.
Good luck mate!
Me too! My odometer button is shagged anyway. I did get some advice from the guys on the lpg forum, but I printed it out and lost it and can't seem to locate the stuff they sent.
Yeh, try to go by the trip meter but my lad keeps resetting it, (on purpose now)

I'd love a digital one..
Haha yeah my LED is "a bit hit and miss" to say the least! Usually goes down fairly quickly yet I've done 90 miles since yesterday and when I parked up it had just dropped to 3 greens! Yeah, I wish!

I use the odometer and try to drive consistently

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