Yes, it will fit! This is the most compact, powerful and inexpensive combined Heat/AC package available - 400mm x 250mm x 120mm - the size of a large box of Cornflakes. 17,000 BTU. Straightforward installation with our detailed instructions.
Universal kit includes:
4 - outlet under-dash unit with double squirrel cage, three speed fan.
Remote fan speed and temperature control panel and wiring harness.
Chrome, swivel de-mist and face vents and hose ducting.
Polished aluminium desiccant drier with integral Hi-Lo pressure safety switch & mtg. bkts.
Complete set of hose unions, 'o' rings and service ports.
Heater water valve and control cable.
Full instructions and fitting kit.
You will require a compressor, engine mounting bracket and a condensing radiator.