
New Member
Hello, We came from Poland :) and we love to travel with our car. As some of You, we fall in love in Land Rover :) and our small friend is Defender 110.

In our heart we got "One life, Live it" - and we decided to make something special :) - what should be expected from LR owners :) - we want 2 travel around the Africa. I know, I know it sounds very unrealistic but we already started our preparation :).

Why we write all fo that? SImple - we need 3 more cars with about 6-9 more people who are ready or this unusal experience :). Trip is planned in early 2014 (january/february) - and it takes Us 2-3 months. What we need is - 3-4 cars ready 2 long African road and people with big hearts :) and open minds :).

We r looking especialy for: 2 mechanics with LR knowledge and 1 doc :) - but what most important is - passion for travel.

for all information pls contact us:


visit (U can find map)
Project Africa | Facebook

so :) lets travel :car:
Need more than open minds, I've covered most of East / Central Africa - be very very careful with the fuels you get, carry water, spares and meds, and also be prepared for butchery but be careful where - although you can live off the land quite well in some places shooting game without a license is illegal. Corruption is rife and permits will cost you dear, don't assume that you have any rights either it ain't the West.

Anything on the car that is digital, computerised or dependant upon sensors IS going to screw you at some point, the environment is brutal so take 2 spares of everything that can or will stop the car being driven because your chances of finding them in the back of beyond are virtually zero and it can take weeks not days to obtain them.

Do your prep well and you will have a blast, do poor preparation and you're on the menu and I am really not joking, between the insects, animals and the armed gangs you need to be well prepared and well researched - this isn't a trip around a supermarket car park.
Well if you find yourselves in Tanzania shoot me a line. I live here and have crossed paths with more than a few overlanders.

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