
New Member
... not anymore! In spite of temperatures down to -12C and a bone shattering wind I managed to get the wiring together.

Looking good dude I'm just unsure whether to put my spots back on my bumper again as I took them off wen I painted it but now I put new grille on I may replace
Ive got my light bar and spots ready to wire up. Do you find they light up the bonnet and it bounces back into your face?
Looking good, Im still to wire my light bar up, maybe next weekend if the weather is half decent.
Do you find they light up the bonnet and it bounces back into your face?

The bonnet does not reflect the light. But I can see the underside of the glass lenses and that light reflects into every little speck of dirt in the windscreen, as if you are wearing dusty sunglasses. I think I will have to put some kind of "upside down eye lids" on each light.

I mounted other, bigger lights standing, but that made the fuel consumption increase considerably. Haven't driven for long enough to tell whether these hanging lights are aerodynamicly better.

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