
New Member
Tonight i drove my p38 for the first time at night, the car has sat since sunday and when i got in, the inside windscreen was wet with condensation, what's might be causing this ?

Also whilst driving with the heaters on full and arriving at my destination, i happen to noticed water in the passenger footwell on the rubber mat, any ideas?
It could also be water leaking in through the pollen filter, this caused a pool of water in the passenger footwell on my dads car. We made a new seal - no more water.
wots the coolant level like, i'm thinking heater matrix, you'd have sooo much fun taking out the dash to get to it ! lets hope its one of the other causes
I too had this problem, after investigation turned out to be leaking connectors to the heater matrix - mega job to replace. I tried adding Bars Leaks - 6 months later still no leaks!
mega job to replace. I tried adding Bars Leaks - 6 months later still no leaks!

Heater "O" Rings ain't that bad to do, just awkward and fiddly.

Bars Leak is great as a get you home measure, but no replacement for a permanent repair.

richp1970, is your vehicle LHD or RHD???
more than likely the aircon you get a puddle under the gearbox when you have been running the aircon? Do not be tempted to put any sealant in your cooling system.
Puddles in the passenger side footwell are most commonly due to the aircon drain being blocked - there are a number of threads about it.
slide underneath and look above the bell housing on the passenger side you will see a rubber grommit with a star shaped cut in it - prod about with your little finger to get any muck and water out. Then go inside the car and look behind the carpet in front of the center console side panel, you will find a corrigated hose lift the bottom out of the grommit you have just cleared and make sure the pipe is clear and empty (its a bit fiddly) to parmanently cure it trim 10mm from the bottom and refit the pipe. the reason it blocks up is it is 10mm too long and has a kink in it which catches the muck and blocks the pipe.

Good Luck

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