
New Member
last friday I was meant to pick up my freelander but I had to work late rang them and they said fine I could pick it up today now I have paid a deposit and they took my bmw in part x now they hpi it and said ok now tonight they have said my bmw is stolen and has been a write off but there was no mention of this two weeks ago when they first done it if they back out of the deal now what can I do all paper work has been singed if I back out I lose a substanial deposit . will I get it back if they do
last friday I was meant to pick up my freelander but I had to work late rang them and they said fine I could pick it up today now I have paid a deposit and they took my bmw in part x now they hpi it and said ok now tonight they have said my bmw is stolen and has been a write off but there was no mention of this two weeks ago when they first done it if they back out of the deal now what can I do all paper work has been singed if I back out I lose a substanial deposit . will I get it back if they do

As it is not you who is backing out of the deal No.

I would contact the police about the allegation. It sounds suspiciously like they have sold the vehicle you wanted for more money and are purely seeking a get out. If it is stolen and you have been told it and sell it on it is an offence. By contacting the police yourself it should clarify the situation once and for all. You can always HPI check your vehicle yourself to double check prior to calling the police. When you then call the police to their premises they will look fools and not you.;) :)
Ask them to put the full situation in writing, this will cover you for a lot of out of pocket expenses you might incur, but more importantly will get them to double check anything they are telling you before committing themselves.

If what your saying is the motor you are trading in has been stolen/write off then I presume the HPI you did (you did didnt you) when you bought it would have brought this to light...

HPI check although essential to cover your own ass are only as good as the person who inputs the data and like anything wwith a human involved can easily be fooked up.
Yeah, i once took a D Reg escort to a garage for a trade in price, when they HPi'd it the car came back as a Vauxhall AstraMax Van in white............... I looked at the report and plain as day was the right reg and even chassis number.....

Mistakes can be made, although as suggested could be the garage pulling a fast one. Assuming you know the BMW's provenance then contact the police and HPI it yourself.

did my own hpi last nite and it has came back stolen back in 04 I bought the car from a garage back in April and have changed the log book from disabled and taxed the car twice I even got pulled over by traffic plods in September and they asked if it was registered to me done a check and sent me on my way
did my own hpi last nite and it has came back stolen back in 04 I bought the car from a garage back in April and have changed the log book from disabled and taxed the car twice I even got pulled over by traffic plods in September and they asked if it was registered to me done a check and sent me on my way

If like the garage said it came back as stolen AND written off then I would say the insurance was paid out to the owner at that time. When the vehicle was eventually found it was then sent to salvage auction as it then belonged to the insurance company and not the original owner. (hence written off). It sounds like it IS legal. I would go and visit the plod and explain the situation to them. All being well they can give it a clean bill of health. You should be able to get this in writing and you can then hand a copy to the garage. This should then legalise the deal.

Unfortunately as it stands at the moment they are right not to want to get involved. With a covering letter from the police stolen vehicle squad you are indemnified.

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