
New Member
May be I am one of the few people out there who has had a reasonable time of it with my p38 over the last 4 years - aircon nonsense was the only time it ever went near a garage and then i did a deal so it wasnt that bad. I am now in process of deciding which way to go with the car - at 8 years old its no youngster - there are squeeks and whirs coming from the transmission and the engine having done a large mileage may need replacing - couple of questions - is it worth paying money to get these things overhauled/replaced - or should i cut my luck here and trade up for a newer model. If i decide to go with the general overhaul can any one recommend a decent place near the surrey kent sussex boarders that could do the work. thks Patrick
I'm in a similar position to you - any owner of an elderly but venerable car is, not just Rangies. I've owned mine for over 5 years now and of course the longer you own a vehicle the more things on it will need to be replaced as they simply just age and wear out.
If you've got the money to keep chucking it at new-er cars and tossing the old ones out at a big loss each time, fair enough its probably the easy way out - keep buying vehicles from a reputable source when they are say 3 or 4 years old, keep for 4 years and get rid.

However, if you don't want to keep spending money on unknown quantities - ie reasonable but unknown cars which might develop expensive problems as you are never entirely sure of their "hidden" history, then keeping what you have suddenly makes more sense - after 4 years or so you know exactly how your car has been serviced and cared for and what might be needed next and you can source parts or make provision to do bigger jobs. Even an engine replacement in a high spec P38 is far cheaper than a much newer vehicle with the same spec. A lot of people are going to have to get used to having one vehicle for a lot longer than before, it makes sense to spend money on it if you are keeping it in the really long term.
I agree with Nathan, if its not going to put to much of a dent in your finances then trade up for the newer model.
what happens when you get rid of your not so bad car,buy another newer one and it turns out to be a bag of ****e.throw money at that one or wish you had kept the older one but you knew what the problems were but fixable.:(;)
Agree with 'Rangiegal' My take on this question is a simple one: Do some soul-searching & if you are happy with your current model (not just your own example) then spend on it when you have to on the basis of knowing it's history whilst in your ownership. If on the other hand, deep down inside, you hanker after something different then change it before major repairs need doing.
im getting the missus a sport for the xmas and trading hers a 2001 2,5hse in on it, the garages are bending over backwards for a sale of secondhand cars esp high value and for the rip off price in dublin im looking at €40000 for a 08 which is brilliant and €8000 trade in,the best thing is ive only spoken anbout the deal and im almost sure the fella will drop some more when the dosh is on the table....
so to get something that still has a warranty is enough for me and although i love my p38 the age versus the maintenance is worry for me especially as the missus and kids are in it all the time.

hope this helps your decision

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