
New Member

I have a 2001 1.8 (yes, I know) and have a concern regarding the cooling. I've searched the forums and am none he wiser.

The engine heats up.
Then, after a while the epansion tanks fills right up as it gets really hot and starts to leak from the top.
The fans then kick in and it all quiets down.

I've checked for leaks
Bleed the system
Both top and bottom hoses get hot

Do I have a problem or am I just being paranoid. Oh, and it is really warm outside today.

sounds like system pressurising. exhaust gasses getting into cooling system.

i didnt realise once and opened the header tank and water jetted up about head height. Tried to limp it the 3 miles home from work. It kept trying to sieze for the last 1.5 miles and i had to keep bump starting it.

I was walking the next day
Thanks for the tips. Doesn't seem to be any other symptoms to indicate HGF. Are the DIY sniff test kits any good, I don't really trust garages that much?

The pressure is coming from the coolant boiling and then eases of when the fans kick in and it cools down. Doesn't seem to be a build up from other gases in the system as such.

I am wondering if it is something as simple as needing a new cap for the expansion tank? I can't see any signs of leakage anywhere.

Thanks again for your help guys.
Been trying to bleed system, getting air coming though but only in small amounts. I don't seem to be getting very far. I've also noticed that the top hose on the radiator is hot but very soft, doesn't feel like there is much pressure in there. Is this normal?

Think I may have to admit defeat and hand it over to a garage to look at :(

Downloading a copy of RAVE

Looks like the system with the thermostat in the hose.

There is definitely water circulating as there is a constant flow from the pipe into the expansion bottle.

The fans kick in but it is almost like they are to late.

Getting warm air from the heaters so that looks ok.

All pipes are getting hot.

Temperature gauge doesn't move up much when coolant overflows.

According to a note in the service book the head gasket was changed at 105k , car is now on 120k. I don't have any details of what was done when it was changed.
could be the fans are kicking in too late so would suspect censor as the water gets hotter it starts to boil so produces more pressure
A friend from here fixed his leaking expansion tank filler cap by cutting a new rubber seal out of an old tyre inner tube .

Well the garage think it is the head gasket but a) they didn't seem sure and b) they quoted £1000 for the job. Having done some research it would seem that I now have two options.

1) Do it myself. I've looked at the various postings regarding this and it doesn't look impossible and would save loads but, I am relatively inexperienced and doing such a big job makes me nervous.

2) There are a couple of places quoting £500 including using the multi layer gasket. Has anyone used LDS Engineering in Aldershot?

could be that the expansion tank cap is screwed on too tight, try just nipping it up lightly.

this happened on mine last year and i've only just remembered :)
Have a look on mg-rover.org or just google for st Russell if I remember right I think he charges about £350, also look for Kayleigh, her bloke also runs a mobile service and John Norris, I know it's on a MG site but it's still the same engine and they are all highly recommended.

Just remembered st Russels business name, its mg-rover solutions head gaskets from £250,
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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll contact the mobile guys (and Safari) and see if any of them can do it.


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