
ok about to venture into one of these for the fisrt time from a series 3 and its main use is to tow a boat a few miles and for putting the dog / kids in the back. Been to see loads and have come to the conclusion that for the money i want to spend (3k) and wanting LPG i have found the best i can.

1999 hse 70,000 mile with full history every thing works apart from drivers side heated seat, bit tatty inside mainly needs a good clean, super condition on outside years ticket and new gas multipoint installed.

my worry is that the pump for suspension (i can see 4 bags have been replaced within the history)seems to come on alot and be a little noisy, the guy who is selling it has told me that the rubber mounts have never been changed and if replaced this will quieten it down allot and the do come on quite regular.

it comes up to height super quick, changes height as it should and dosent go down very quick after turn off

anyone put my mind to rest or give me some advice?

many thanks
first bit of advice when buying a p38 - DONT.

sounds like there is a leak in the system, the suspension should not go down and the compressor should not keep going. How long ago were the bags changed?
Thanks for the advice!

Air bags done 11 months ago. I was under the impression that when stopped after time it will drop down. please educate!

I have had it out for about 2 hours on a test drive, everthing seems to be fine apart form the pump. seems to come on every 5 minutes for maybe 10-15 seconds

with the air bags done then the problem is possibly somewhere else.

try having a search and you will find loads of threads about air suspension dropping and common faults and checks. Most leaks can be fixed but you need to look further into the noisy compressor too.

I would be worried about buying any p38 with faults
Sounds to me like the compressor is cycling on and off to maintain pressure because there is a leak somewhere. I had exactly the same problem on my LSE - you may have 11 month old bags but the rest of the system sounds as if it is 12 years old ( you`d have to wonder if he changed the bags why he didn`t also do anything else that needed doing ?). The suspension on my LSE would drop down once switched off and the rate at which it settled got worse as the leak worsened, when it worked properly it would not settle for at least 6 to 8 hours if run for two, towards the end (of the EAS, before the fateful Coils Day) it settled in less than an hour.
I think I`d probably take it for another test drive and swing by your nearest independent LR specialist for a professional view on a ramp - if it needs fixing and you have a rough price you should be able to bargain a discount off the price

Have a look at

There is some good info on there for the suspension - what to look for, how to fix etc

The P38 suspension will naturally slightly lower when parked up, because the system self levels every six hours. Also if you park on uneven ground or slopes this levelling seems worse.

If the only fault is the seat, an interior that needs cleaning and possibly the suspension, then from what I've learnt from this site, you've got a good 'un.

I'm new to P38's, having just bought mine two months ago. It had faults - fog lamps, rear wash, head lamp washers didn't work. Was frightened at first by all the talk of the suspension issues, but no problems so far for me.

My advice is to wait for other P38 experts to see your post and see what they say.

Hope I've helped.
just been back round and taken another look, the car after an hour was still exatly where it should be, he has given me the key and said he is happy for me to check it over the next couple of days and take it to a specialist (got RST round the courner) as he is confident it is all how it should be.

THe reason he said it was sitting low is that it have been on low setting since i put it down after last test drive about a week ago and i cant honestly remember where i left it wlthough i did messa bout with the suspension alot.

I have had a look at what i can see, the pump and pipes too and from all look good (like new). As there is only 1 key i can monitor it over the next couple of days then take localy to get checked.

thanks for all the advice, will make decision once i get the ok from the check
BE WARNED you will fall in love and forgive its every fault ,it will sit out side your house thinking of some new way to drive you mad .and when you think its running great .dont trust it ,Its a game they all play.
Just a thought, are you sure the pump you hear running is the eas not the one that pumps up the brakes??
LR specify a drop of 15mm in 24 hours when parked on level ground is OK. Parked on uneven ground it will self level down. Were you listening to the compressor with the bonnet open? Mine cycles constantly with the bonnet open and stops when the bonnet is shut.
My suspension settles , but I do part on a slope, so it bobs down when locked up.... Check the coolant and temp guage... Enjoy
Ok went back to it today.... Yep fell in love and bought however good bits

1) suspension all checked out the rubber mount of the pump were warn and pump was vibrating and therefore sounded noisy

2) the guy who I bought it from has agreed that if anything goes wrong on next 6 months with suspension he will get it repaired at his cost! So I just have to worry about everything else

3) it was still up where it should have been and has had a service and has service to boot. Sure I will be in touch again soon as soon as it breaks

And wishing I would have listened to you all!
now you have bought it ,just enjoy it,it will let you down and break down and break your heart and bank balance BUT when its running as it should be its wonderful
Hi guy, basically I just got a RR p38 i believe and there is this noise the feels like car moving ( like generator sound) I am Thinkings it's the air suspension but it goes up and down sometimes needs a alittle time.. I don't like the noise and no signs have come up on the dash... Please help what could that be!!!????

It seems like everywhere I stop it's making that noise seems to me it's correcting it's suspension and also when driving... But that noise OMG is annoying what could it be and can anyone advice any place in london that does for cheap...

Also any meets so that I can speak to other RR drivers to find out...

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