Fook me ****stain have you been glued to this thread all day?? Bet it's the most attention you've had since you started giving free blowjobs down Lime street station.
A scouser walked into the local job centre, marched straight up to the counter and said, "Hi, I'm looking for a job". The man behind the counter replied, "Your timing is amazing. We've just got one in from a very wealthy man who wants a chauffeur/bodyguard for his nymphomaniac twin daughters. You'll have to drive around a big black Mercedes and wear the uniform provided. The hours are a bit long but the meals are provided. You also have to escort the young ladies on their overseasholidays. The salary package is £200,000 a year". The scouser said, "You're bullsh*tting me!". The man behind the counter said, "Well you started it!"

A boy asked his Mum, 'Is it possible to get pregnant by having anal sex, the mother replied 'Yeah, where do you think scousers come from'

Why wasn't Jesus born in Merseyside?

Couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin

Q: Define confusion

A: Fathers day in Liverpool

Q. Why can't you circumcise a Scouser?

A. Because there is no end to those pricks.
A scouser walked into the local job centre, marched straight up to the counter and said, "Hi, I'm looking for a job". The man behind the counter replied, "Your timing is amazing. We've just got one in from a very wealthy man who wants a chauffeur/bodyguard for his nymphomaniac twin daughters. You'll have to drive around a big black Mercedes and wear the uniform provided. The hours are a bit long but the meals are provided. You also have to escort the young ladies on their overseasholidays. The salary package is £200,000 a year". The scouser said, "You're bullsh*tting me!". The man behind the counter said, "Well you started it!"

A boy asked his Mum, 'Is it possible to get pregnant by having anal sex, the mother replied 'Yeah, where do you think scousers come from'

Why wasn't Jesus born in Merseyside?

Couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin

Q: Define confusion

A: Fathers day in Liverpool

Q. Why can't you circumcise a Scouser?

A. Because there is no end to those pricks.
wow your funny:rolleyes:
Scouser walks into A&E and say's "I've just been bitten by a dog." Nurse asks "Where is it" Scouser replies "Fook knows it could be miles away by now.." :D
not sure about slagging off scousers , but the beatles were crap


Fangio and Green Giant are,nt on line !.

Perhaps hes gone down there for a " mash up ". ( they might be at it as we speak ! ).

( please dont come down and " mess up my sh1t " )

I rekon plod forums might like to check out green ovals posts. Might be worth mentioning over there I rekon.:D:D:D

Sadly saying and doing are too different things- you could always use IP logs to report harrising and offensive behaviour:D

My ISP would tell you to ****off though
****sta's all the same-full of ****.
If your seriously going to make a visit, best not to broadcast it.

Troll behaviour is all I have seen so far from ****sta, But if the piece of bum fluff does anything-give them a ****ing good hiding.

My experience is the police will turn up 10 years later and all your get is a reference number.

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