
Hi Guys,

Thanks to all that responded to my last thread you have all been a great help so far, its good to know that there are people out there who care about their Land Rover's condition as much as me.

I am just wanting to know if there are any specific routine checks that need to be done on disco's every now and then other than the obvious things like fluid levels and tyre pressures etc?
I heard that you should check all nuts and bolts etc underneath disco make sure none are getting slack and tighten them to the correct torque ratio??
Also do i need to grease anything from time to time??
This is first Land Rover i have had so just getting used to actually being able to easily work on a car that i own.


Get your self a Disco service/ repair manual that will explain it all. Prop shaft and cv joints is all that requires a grease gun. I can't find anything in my Haynes manual that says check the nuts and bolts they shouid all be ok unless any have been recently undone for a repair.
The Haynes manual gives the maintenance programme base on milage or months whichever comes first.
I can't see how you can get a grease gun anywhere near the CV joints, though you will most likely have grease in the swivels where the CV joints live.

Greasing the prop shafts is very important on Land Rovers. If a UJ disintegrates (especially the front one) it will ruin your whole day. If greased regularly, every couple of thousand kms or miles, they will last for (almost) ever.
I can't see how you can get a grease gun anywhere near the CV joints, though you will most likely have grease in the swivels where the CV joints live.

Greasing the prop shafts is very important on Land Rovers. If a UJ disintegrates (especially the front one) it will ruin your whole day. If greased regularly, every couple of thousand kms or miles, they will last for (almost) ever.

Sorry I should have said UJ's
Depends also on how it's been used and how are you going to use it.

Off roading requires a lot more maintenance.Wheel bearings are prone to seizing especialy after a lot of wadeing,check that the grease is not white (water contamination).Make sure radiators are clear inside and out,regular oil changes,gearbox,transfer,diff & swivels.
Check coolant level regulary.

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