
New Member
hi, have just joined as i have been looking at buying a p38 for the past couple of weeks - have decided to go for a 2.5dse but cant decide wether to go for an 97 P/R reg for about £5/6K leaving myself £2/3K to spend on it in the future or to go for a 99 T/V for about £8/9K blowing all my hard earned cash in one go

I,ve had a good look around this forum , so i know what to look out for as far as suspension, electronics, service history etc goes

I am going to look at a couple tomorrow - a 97 P 2.5dse with 92k on the clock & full wood kit with fsh for £5995 and a 99 T 2.5dse with 87K & fsh for £8495

any advice would be great
the very important advice for both is : be sure that the suspensions work properly when you turn off the engine ... check the hevac a/c ...
and other things will be easy ...
the best advice to give you is get a rangerover person to check it over BEFORE you part with your brass , dont bother with the aa or rac these are very sophisticated motors and if you buy a bad one it`ll break your heart and your bank balance , if you have to pay £100.00 for an expert to check it over it could save you literally thousands in the long run , be warned !!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi, have just joined as i have been looking at buying a p38 for the past couple of weeks - have decided to go for a 2.5dse but cant decide wether to go for an 97 P/R reg for about £5/6K leaving myself £2/3K to spend on it in the future or to go for a 99 T/V for about £8/9K blowing all my hard earned cash in one go

I,ve had a good look around this forum , so i know what to look out for as far as suspension, electronics, service history etc goes

I am going to look at a couple tomorrow - a 97 P 2.5dse with 92k on the clock & full wood kit with fsh for £5995 and a 99 T 2.5dse with 87K & fsh for £8495

any advice would be great
I would say always best to save some cash after all it is a landrover lol.... but all joking aside i find this way is good for the old peace of mind, if it breaks then you know you fixed it. I dont have much landy experience but i do own a p38 and I have bought over 60 cars in my driving life and near 30 of those as personal transport and i mean as a consumer not as a car dealer. For me its about more than just the tech stuff i always try to follow these few things.
Never be talked into buying a car if your not sure dont
Dont be put off by silly things like interior rattles or a broken ashtray etc these things are sooooooooo much easier to resolve than major mech probs (you may thing this sounds stupid but you would be suprised how many people buy the wrong car due to this)
make all work done is documented its easy to get suckered by the old "it had a new clutch last month" line
If its been crashed and you havent seen a picure of the damage dont even coinsider it.
if it has starship millage make sure it has starship history as i would rather have a car with 150,000miles with a fsh than one with 75,000 and no history.
Get a warrenty, if not then buy private (trust Me)
Finally go with whichever you like the feel of best on the day, even if another seems better value the newest with lowest millage is often not the best and you will be hapier this way. To be honest you could buy the most reliable car ever and it wont even get you home or the most unreliable dog on the road that turns out to be the best car you ever own, so long as they are all in good general working order cond etc no one knows what will happen or how it will turn out just go with whichever you like best and whatever you buy from wherever you buy it there is always something the owner/dealer isnt telling you. I also always test one car way under my budget and one well over my budget and see if how the one i am sierously considering stacks up.
Any way mate this rabble proably doesn't help at all but like i said for me its about more than just the mechanics of the car.
Good luck mate Tim (serial car buyer)
the best advice to give you is get a rangerover person to check it over BEFORE you part with your brass , dont bother with the aa or rac these are very sophisticated motors and if you buy a bad one it`ll break your heart and your bank balance , if you have to pay £100.00 for an expert to check it over it could save you literally thousands in the long run , be warned !!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks for the advice, unfortunately i dont know anyone who owns a rangerover, i am pretty mechanically minded myself and do most of my own repairs, rebuild engines etc . I wouldn't object to paying an expert - do you know if there are any companies that do this for range rovers (in the staffordshire area) ?. anyway i'm going to look at a few this aftern oon. i plan to have a good look around for a week or 2 and if i can pick out a couple that seem ok i will look into getting them checked out

thanks again.

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