I think this is getting a bit off topic now

What I want to know, is if Blitz actually list the 200tdi in they're catalog!
No Land Rover in their drop down list....!!

Also the 200TDi was born in the late 80's early 90's, so doubtful any tuners will support such an old tractor unit....
Have you got that down to an art yet as I have a few questions if I may from an extraction meister so to speak:

It's an art easily mastered. Sounds like you're well on track!

So if I separate the membrane / soluble proteins using Prot-Two Kit from Sigma. My final samples are dissolved in 40 mM Tris, 7M urea, 2M thiourea and 1% C7BzO detergent, pH 10.4 (and they have already been treated with TBP/IAA). Do you think that these extracts are compatible with SDS-PAGE/Western blotting?

You're clearly thinking too much, that's only relevant in a lab for testing purposes! After extracting the urea you simply filter it through a negatively charged gauze and extract the free radicals! You will notice that the filtrate smells like ****:(

First, I was wondering about pH - I'm afraid if I mix those samples (pH 10.4) with my 6X sample buffer, the final pH value will hardly be 6.8, won't be? Is correct pH of sample critical for running and protein resolving?

pH has little effect on power! Proton only really affects flavour! High pH, don't gargle;)

Second, is it possible to heat those urea-based buffers as I do in 'standard' protocol to enhance protein denaturation (65C, 15 min)? In the product info, there is written that these buffers should not be heated above 30C to avoid formation of cyanates which could damage proteins.
Is the combination of urea/thiourea/detergent at above mentioned concentrations enough for effective protein denaturation (so there is no need to heat samples), or could be better denaturation achieved with heating in the presence of e.g. SDS?

Now you're taking the ****!! Heating is worth while in that it concentrates the urea and moves it up the ochre scale and helps to liberate more power:)

If I decide to precipitate proteins (or maybe ultrafiltration could do a good job as well?), what would you suggest for protein solubilization? Just 1x sample buffer for SDS-PAGE? (I don't need to measure protein concentrations, so bromophenol blue would not interfere)

Only to happy to provide a sample for you to practice with I'd recommend gargling to sample the protein concentrate! Filter first or there may be more free radicals (swimmers) than you bargained for;)

Any advice is greatly appreciated.....

If I had known it'd get this in depth I wouldn't have used my bloody iPhone!!!
I think this is getting a bit off topic now

What I want to know, is if Blitz actually list the 200tdi in they're catalog!

Seeing as how it would be as useful fitted to a 200Tdi as tits welded to a Mars bar, i would not think so.
No Land Rover in their drop down list....!!

Also the 200TDi was born in the late 80's early 90's, so doubtful any tuners will support such an old tractor unit....

Oh thats a shame, If Blitz did a dump valve for the 200 that would of swayed my decision to put that engine in an old rusty 2a I have kicking about. Now because of Blitz the poor old beast is destined for the scrappys becuase I will never have the power without that Tiiiiisshhhhhh :p
Oh thats a shame, If Blitz did a dump valve for the 200 that would of swayed my decision to put that engine in an old rusty 2a I have kicking about. Now because of Blitz the poor old beast is destined for the scrappys becuase I will never have the power without that Tiiiiisshhhhhh :p

Never fear it can be done for the princely sum of.........

you all know what i read on here a few weeks ago aguy who put a genuine question on here and all you dim wits did is ripped the **** out of him.well guess wot this question ive put on here was a total wind up and its great to see how every one as just ripped in to it.from are you on drugs to his m8 wants to learn about combustion engines . my rangie dont even have a diesel engine in it its a v8. isent it just great to tek the **** .lol
you all know what i read on here a few weeks ago aguy who put a genuine question on here and all you dim wits did is ripped the **** out of him.well guess wot this question ive put on here was a total wind up and its great to see how every one as just ripped in to it.from are you on drugs to his m8 wants to learn about combustion engines . my rangie dont even have a diesel engine in it its a v8. isent it just great to tek the **** .lol

what a prick.
if i wanted to take the **** i would have mentioned your spelling. retard.
you all know what i read on here a few weeks ago aguy who put a genuine question on here and all you dim wits did is ripped the **** out of him.well guess wot this question ive put on here was a total wind up and its great to see how every one as just ripped in to it.from are you on drugs to his m8 wants to learn about combustion engines . my rangie dont even have a diesel engine in it its a v8. isent it just great to tek the **** .lol

People are taking the **** because it was a silly question. You got your best answer from me with my first post. The same question has been asked before, i personally thought some of the answers were quite creative. ;);)
you all know what i read on here a few weeks ago aguy who put a genuine question on here and all you dim wits did is ripped the **** out of him.well guess wot this question ive put on here was a total wind up and its great to see how every one as just ripped in to it.from are you on drugs to his m8 wants to learn about combustion engines . my rangie dont even have a diesel engine in it its a v8. isent it just great to tek the **** .lol

A similar question was asked recently and I personally gave a sensible informed answer. That was because the guy came across as genuine asking a stupid question!! You on the other hand and your mate came across as a complete pair of ****wits that can't even string a sentence together, or spell turbo for that matter! So an entertaining evening was had by all ripping the **** out of you! Or extracting the urea:) but words like that probably don't sink in and we can use them all day long to take the **** without you realising:D
Any way I know how to do what you asked successfully and reliably, I've done it several times never needed a BOV tho, a 300tdi that stuffs your v8 is much more fun! I've now got a tuned D2 td5! Suspect you won't get any sensible answers in the future now even when you ask nicely. But having said that you did provide the most entertaining thread for a while so you never know:D
you all know what i read on here a few weeks ago aguy who put a genuine question on here and all you dim wits did is ripped the **** out of him.well guess wot this question ive put on here was a total wind up and its great to see how every one as just ripped in to it.from are you on drugs to his m8 wants to learn about combustion engines . my rangie dont even have a diesel engine in it its a v8. isent it just great to tek the **** .lol

I think you'll find my answers were genuine.
Just looked up your previous posts! For someone in the "trade" you do ask some bizarre questions so this on wasn't to be unexpected really:D
Surely not all of them!;)
Well maybe towards the end of the thread, I may have finally cottoned on (bit slow me) to the Urea Extraction - but my replies to the tuning question were valid.....

Also so was the Scientific Query on the Ph Value of Protein extraction from Urea (Google is your friend sometimes;))

Well maybe towards the end of the thread, I may have finally cottoned on (bit slow me) to the Urea Extraction - but my replies to the tuning question were valid.....

Also so was the Scientific Query on the Ph Value of Protein extraction from Urea (Google is your friend sometimes;))


You researched me:) I pulled that out of thin air:) just to see who was listening:) I was quite impressed with the technicality of your answers:D

It was the serious replies after complete **** takes that made me think ****wit or wind up!

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