Woody - it's a pleasure...these vehicles are complex and I will wax lyrical about them all day and all night - There is nothing worse than buying the car of your dreams (like when I bought my First Rangie) then a fault pops up - your heart sinks, the pit of your stomach churns and you get that that 'oh feck' feeling....being well informed about the future purchase takes part of that feeling away, another part is relieved when you realise what fantastic people are abound on this forum who will offer help and advice to get you back on the road again - and the final relief is when it is back togethre and running sweet - until the next problem.

Rangies have a bad reputation - that is only because people only ever report the faults - they never go on and on about how brilliant they all are when they work and get you places no other vehicle will...

The best 4x4xfar - certainly
The most reliabe - certainly not, but then again many other marques aren't either!!


Sorry Ant, can't agree with that:) They are crap and that is reflected in the rock bottom secondhand prices:rolleyes:
Ant i'm a newbie to the Forum but that's the second time you've armed me the knowledge to feel a bit calmer about buying my first Rangie!
Your a star!

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