
Active Member
Hi all I am going to undertake clutch and IRD replacement in the next few days:doh:......and I have been trying to work out what the likely stumbling blocks could be:mad:.......... so far I have the following:-
1) Extracting driveshafts from front hubs.....I hate this job........would you recomend removing lower ball joint or undoing strut leg and pivot as recommended by Haynes???? (Had wheel bearings done at garage a week ago so i am hoping splines will move easy ..... they used ball joint method and swung leg out..... I was hoping it may separate with gentle encouragement)
2) Exhaust down pipe ........ I recon this could be siezed solid......don't
think it has been touched for years .......... any tips and tricks here???
3) Separating drive shaft from G box is this risky .... re oil seal damage????
4) My Hippo is a 2000 model ....... so i am hoping not to have to drop the front sub frame.......I think I read somewhere this should wriggle out.....
5) Clutch plate bolts.....are they notorious for rounding off when removing??
Think these are my main concerns so far your hints and tips would be most well come :rolleyes:

your going to have to drop subframe so undo bottom ball joints small wedge or chisel needed to split socket open,and long bar to lever out,if you dont want to damage ball joints,i never used ball joint seperaters as they damage joint ,if doing other work then its simpler to undo top,exhaust isnt too bad remove support plate completely,clutch bolts not a problem with decent socket,ird top bolts can be removed with extensions through o/s wheel arch ,shafts remove without risk to seals
Hi just reporting in ........ got car on ramps and elected to take sub frame off.....
this helps allot.........however things that have cused me problems are the
IRD coolant pipes...those clips are a pig
Top IRD bolts on TD4 are evil......fotnately I had a special wriggly socket ext bar
(TD4 has a humping great turbo in the way!!!)
Haynes.....misses out the starter motor
Gertrag gearbox.....selector mechanisim is a pig and hits the chasis.....
Finally...........the clutch bolts are totally evil..they have an 7mm hex socket head
and mine were tightened to about 150ft pounds..........one has rounded off!!!

Can anybody advise me how to get this last little sucker out?????

richard , im just in the throws of doing a clutch replacement on my td4 ,should to be dropping the g/b later today, (hopeing the clutch bolts are not a problem )

the problem with rounding off bolt heads can usually be avoided by using hexagon sockets rather than multipoint,
since yours is rounded off, you may have to chisel the head off and then tap it out with a centre punch, it should be free as its usually the pressure on the head that makes it tight , other than that its a case of drilling and retapping ,

on the g/b selector mechanism, i drifted out the roll pin using an fabricated extended drift (3 ft long ) came out very easy,

good luck
john t
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hit them with suitable flat ended punch at least 10 mm in diameter if you keep knocking allen key in in turn to maintain hole they will come out, hitting bolt release stretch so hold
Hi, well got it sorted ...... I bought a set of irwin extractors for £22 at screwfix......
these have a l/h spiral thread......I gave the bolt some heat .... from my propane torch then knocked on the extractor socket and bingo off she came!!!!

Thank god dual mass flywheel was not scored.........I was lucky I ellected to change clutch as soon as slip became apparant (5th gear up steepish hill .... flat out at 2500rpm). I change hydraulic actuator as well.........I did not want a repeat exercise...
I assume bleeding the clutch is straight forward...any advice....

I have now managed to fit clutch and gearbox is in.....phew....those selector bars on
the gertrag box are a barsteward.........I also found putting gearbox back was virtually impossible with trolley jacks.....as you need to wriggle gearboax to get in on the splines of clutch..........so I ended up using a rope hoist from a beam ti the garage....bingo easy.

Next stop IRD tonight...........I am not looking forward to this heavy little sucker.....that breather pipe looks like another barsteward....not ot mention getting a good soaking of antifreeze via oil cooler pipes...............then drive shafts then sub frame....yeehar

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