
I'm not special I'm limited edition
When replying to a post on my phone I end up clicking on the adverts as they take up the whole gap once the keyboard is up. It's bloody frustrating keep opening new links or getting sent to the apps store.
You need a faster phone / connection to let them load fully. Done the same thing half a dozen times in the past half-hour.
You need a faster phone / connection to let them load fully. Done the same thing half a dozen times in the past half-hour.
Strange thing is it only seems to have started happening the last couple of days. I hadn't really noticed myself doing it until then.
Seem to be more and bigger adverts this evening. Wonder if you can limit the frame height?
The ads a responsive so change size depending on what your viewing on, I'll have to go find my iphone to see how it's working for you, it appears fine on android and desktop... Screenshot please :D
The ads a responsive so change size depending on what your viewing on, I'll have to go find my iphone to see how it's working for you, it appears fine on android and desktop... Screenshot please :D

When typing I have to keep moving the screen up cos the writing keeps disappearing below the keyboard. It's when I move the screen up that I get trapped with nowhere to tap bar the advert. I also get it when trying to add smileys or files.

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