Brilliant first show.

Great amount of quality traders and lots of fantastic vehicles.

Well done everyone, really enjoyed it today.

Came home with a pair of tree sliders and lots of new ideas.

Can we have somewhere to sit next time to eat lunch though please. :D
We are going tomorrow to have a looksee,

- we went along today

was ok to be honest
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Had a great time, good show, some different stands which was welcome from the normal LR shows, and along with friends really enjoyed it.

Cheers Mark
Thanks for the kind words. As it happens, I too liked the fact many of the traders were new ... fresh blood an' all that.

Two days of t-shirt weather certainly helped, although it got real nippy at night as all the heat of the day went skywards.

Also loved the Display Vehicles, there was some awesome kit there.

Thanks to all the support from everyone, you know who you are!!!
More feedback please ... good, bad and indifferent! Constructive criticism is always welcome, it’s how we move forward.

Glad you enjoyed the sun I ordered. ;)

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