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Well-Known Member
Could someone from AF please explain what the above fee is?

In this case, policy issue is the automatic email I receive from their systems with a system generated PDF. The only human involvement appears to be whosoevers name is slapped on the policy to cream off some commission.

For someone like me who has paid for these policies for over 20 years without a claim, they are simply a bit of paper.

It's bad enough stumping up hundreds as it is without crappy trumped up charges being added by desperate insurers.

Why not wack a £30 fee on for your staff Christmas party as well?

They have just striped me up for that too!!! They re-insured my car from last year without asking me in August. It's only because I noticed the money missing from my bank account that I knew. They added a £15 for "personal injury insurance" that apparently I opted into. After a phone conversation with a very unhelpful member of staff, I was told I had also opted for paper less communications. I also questioned the "£30 administration charge" by stating that nobody had contacted me to tell me my insurance was due, or that they had restarted it and that I hadn't even received a certificate of insurance!!
So I would also like to know how the charge £30 for basically changing a date on a computer??
Rant over:5biagree:

I can appreciate your view that to you it may just be a sheet of paper, however, there is a lot of other work that goes on between us, the insurers and other relevant organisations to ensure cover is in place and that this is seen on any relevant databases.

By all means if you PM me with your policy number, I can get a member of customer service to give you a call to explain the administration fee in more depth.

I hope this helps

Policy issue fees are standard now - just check your other policies....

Some highlight it others seemingly hide it. £30 is about average.

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