Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


Active Member
ive had so many probs with you i would pay more just to go some where else but funny thing about it ive saved
had a disco with you for 4 years had a little prob with paper work so i came all the way to your office from sheffield to sort out but a month after you cancelled my policy (and heres the bet you still wanted a years money of me. hid in admin fees and other bits lol)
and few months ago i had a six door dorchester with you dont have car any more so i cancelled it for you to try telling me i owe you for the year but you would drop charges if i used my new car with you
here it is a 1976 landrover 88swb you wanted 650 pound
but i only pay 130 a year so i dont think so
ive had so many probs with you i would pay more just to go some where else but funny thing about it ive saved
had a disco with you for 4 years had a little prob with paper work so i came all the way to your office from sheffield to sort out but a month after you cancelled my policy (and heres the bet you still wanted a years money of me. hid in admin fees and other bits lol)
and few months ago i had a six door dorchester with you dont have car any more so i cancelled it for you to try telling me i owe you for the year but you would drop charges if i used my new car with you
here it is a 1976 landrover 88swb you wanted 650 pound
but i only pay 130 a year so i dont think so


Please feel free to pm me your policy number and a contact telephone number, so we can look into this for you.

I'm with flux at the moment. I was with NFU up until last year when I needed to hear back from their underwriters (I wanted all mods listed on the policy but they kept telling me that as long as I haven't touched the engine then I'm fine) and they left it too close to the renewel date so Flux beat their price by about £20 (£300 fully comp). (incidently NFU did get back to me in time with a yes but by then it was too late).

When the renewel came this year flux wanted summit like £150 extra. I eventually got them down to just £50 extra as I didn't fancy having to go through NFU's underwriters again. I didn't have enough to pay in one hit cos my chav box insurance was due 2 weeks beforehand. It's costing me an extra £100 to pay in instalments.

I have 13 years no claims, I'm 35 and the missus is 40, The landy does only around 5000 miles a year and 2000-3000 of that is for work and is covered by my works insurance.

Unless Flux start looking after their customers and not overcharging on interest I'll be going back to NFU or to A plan for my next renewel.
I;m with AF too , rang several times to change my email address so i can get my docs .
each time they got it wrong and thats going over it letter by letter .:mad: .
Ive given up now ( still no paper work )

So AF if you want me ----- Ring me coz you still cant get my E-mail right !!!!! .
I must be the only one who's never had a problem with them

Nope I'm right there with you mate...The landys been insured with AF since I bought it 6 years dramatic increases in price or anything silly...
Also I've got both bikes insured with them on the same policy no dramas just good service although I've never had to make a claim ;)
I must be the only one who's never had a problem with them

Me too. modified bobtail insurance wasn't a problem. Chap I spoke to was helpful too.
Though my daily driver is with Admiral, and they're deing bastards at the moment!!...I guess it depends upon circumstances, like whether you are paying money for a policy or making a claim:rolleyes:

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